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Friday, March 13, 2015

Water Fluoridation Linked to Higher ADHD Rates

New research shows there is a strong correlation between water fluoridation and the prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, in the United States.

It’s the first time that scientists have systematically studied the relationship between the behavioral disorder and fluoridation, the process wherein fluoride is added to water to prevent cavities.

The study, published in the journal Environmental Health, found that states with a higher portion of artificially fluoridated water had a higher prevalence of ADHD. This relationship held up across six different years examined. The authors, psychologists Christine Till and Ashley Malin at Toronto’s York University, looked at the prevalence of fluoridation by state in 1992 and rates of ADHD diagnoses in subsequent years.



  1. Such bs, its due to inbreeding ask jt.

  2. harvard and ucla studies also show it reduces IQ by 20 points over a ten year period in adolescents. What they actually use is sodium flouride, the waste from aluminum smelting. Also used as fertilizer and rat poison in china. This is what they use in salisbury. And you wonder what's wrong with da bury in city limits?

  3. Fluoride is a proven poisen.

  4. Flouride linked to a condition created by big pharma? Tell me more!

  5. Fluoride was added to the water in the Nazi concentration camps to keep the prisoners docile and compliant. Ever wonder why people seem like zombies? I'm sure this is part of the problem.

  6. Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper was right and he said it 50 years ago.

  7. Just look at the places where there's no fluoride in the water like West Virginia.
    The whole front row at church has only 3 teeth combined.

  8. 3:43--
    The lack of teeth is most likely due to lack of income in these poor communities. To make such a comment indicates to me that if you went to such a church, you have missed the reason you should be attending. Fluoride should not be ingested, as it's poison.

  9. 4:01
    So explain England in the 60s then.

    Your a paranoid conspiracy fool!

  10. Lack of teeth is from diet high in refined sugar, alcohol and tobacco

  11. I have a diet high in alcohol, tobacco, and sugars, brush my teeth with fluoride toothpaste, and drink well water. At 60, I still have all my teeth, and expect another 60 out of them.

  12. 5:49--
    & you are a judgemental a$$. Fluoride is great in toothpaste, but studies I've seen indicate there's health problems tied to ingesting it. It's called research, you may want to try it. How that is being a conspiracy fool, let alone paranoid, is beyond me. But then again, so are people of your ilk.


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