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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Utah to use firing squads if lethal drugs are unavailable

Utah became the only state to allow firing squads for executions when the governor signed a law on Monday approving the method when no lethal injection drugs were available, even though he called it 'a little bit gruesome'.

Utah is a capital punishment state and needs a backup execution method in case a shortage of the drugs persists, Republican Governor Gary Herbert said.

'We regret anyone ever commits the heinous crime of aggravated murder to merit the death penalty, and we prefer to use our primary method of lethal injection when such a sentence is issued,' the governor's spokesman said.



  1. what was the point of "hmmmmm" ?

  2. Cost less then $10.00 in bullets and they can be bought at any walmart. No need to wait for approval of the meds or where they come from.

  3. They must be pretty poor shooters to need that many safety sandbags.

  4. maybe we should include politicians as targets for these firing squads also

  5. An ounce of lead is cheaper! And think about this, we can always recycle. Use the criminal for Med School studies and reclaim the lead while you are at it.

    There you have it, several problems solved.

  6. Just run them over with a loaded dump truck.

  7. Cool...line the illegals up too!!!

  8. Bullets are cheaper!!

  9. I say use the drugs if you cant find a bullet.

  10. A hanging is good and economic. The rope can be used multiple times to get rid of the vermin!!

  11. So many people so eager and willing to kill someone. Niiiiice.

  12. the do- gooders who dont believe in the death penalty have never had a family member killed and/or raped we could eliminate a lot of this countrys dept if we reinstated the death penalty and help cut our prison population down and save taxpayers money if con victed 60 to 90 days for an appeal then bang another bites the dust that should probably include some lawyers also


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