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Sunday, March 01, 2015

U.S.C.G. Breaks Ice On Wicomico River For Much Needed Oil Delivery

The United States Coast Guard brought in an Ice Breaker down the Wicomico River followed by the Vane Brothers Tug Boat managing a barge of oil today around 2 PM. This is the first delivery of oil in over a week, which was apparently much needed.


  1. Must have needed that icebreaker because of global warming.

  2. Obama wants $7.00 a gallon gas soonFebruary 22, 2015 at 3:15 PM

    Does Obama know this...theta they are trying to help with oil costs?

  3. Is anyone allowed to say what good news this is? For those of us who use oil for heat it's real good news.

  4. What? Seriously? Only way to get oil is by boat? Smdh.

  5. Barge is not the only way to get oil but it's a lot cheaper to transport that way versus tank truck. Freight costs make up a very significant part of the price of gasoline and oil.

  6. Companies delivering oil to your homes have been making $150.-$200 per delivery on top of oil cost....very sad considering how hard it is for most folks to just get by. Really needs to be regulated.

  7. 4:46 Sure you could truck it down from Balitmore. Im sure it would up the price and the roads up that way yesterday and today and probably not the greatest. Let's not forget the cost of the toll to come across the bridge.

    This boat needs to now go to Tangier Island and cut a path to help those people. Why is oil more important than someones life?

    1. The island I can understand. But why wait to ship in a bad situation? Truck it in if you have to. Don't leave people w/o to save a couple dollars. And truck is faster than boat.

  8. Why isn't anyone complaining about the ice breaker and tanker coming to Salisbury? All they did a few days ago was complain about taking supplies to Tangier and how those people should have known better and stocked up before the bad weather. Hey people, this happens very seldom, so it's not a big deal for someone to help the normally very self sufficient Tangier citizens.

  9. Do the math tug & barge 40,000 gals or truck & trailer 5-7000 gals.

  10. Heat with wood and you won't have to worry about that!!!

  11. FYI, The "oil barge" carries heating oil, and motor fuel (gasoline and diesel). It is loaded at a terminal on the James River near Norfolk VA.

    Virtually all of the heating oil, gasoline and diesel regardless brand, sold on the lower Eastern Shore is shipped aboard that barge.

    Sand Box John

  12. 7:20, I did the math. That's only 5 or 6
    trucks. Did you mean 40,000 barrels ?

  13. wow.. always negative

  14. You tax dollars literally at work.

    Did you just ask for regulation? Get off this website.

  15. News flash...even the gasoline comes by barge to this area because it is less expensive.


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