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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Top Cop to Missouri's Lt. Gov.: Back Up Your Racism Claims

The African-American sheriff of Milwaukee County has issued a no-nonsense challenge to Missouri's lieutenant governor who claims President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are obsessed with race: Prove it!

David Clarke, one of Wisconsin's leading law enforcement officers, took strong exception to what Peter Kinder said Monday, when he told Newsmax TV's Steve Malzberg, "there is more racism in the Justice Department than there is in anywhere I see in the St. Louis area."

Kinder, Missouri's second in command, went on to accuse "the Holder and Obama left — and their minions … are obsessed with race while the rest of us are moving on beyond it."

But Clarke isn't buying it.

"I don't know what he had to substantiate that when you make those kind of charges, regardless of who it is," Clarke told Malzberg.

"And I'll say that with Eric Holder, President Obama, [New York City Mayor] Bill de Blasio or [the Rev.] Al Sharpton. He better have the accurate data and substantiation to make such a charge."

Clarke and Kinder's verbal swordplay comes a week after the Justice Department released a scathing report about the Ferguson police force, which they said was plagued by racism and anti-minority police tactics.

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1 comment:

  1. Mizz is a mess right now. Good for David Clarke, its rare for a law enforcement professional to have a clear conscience.


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