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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

These 13 States Want to Allow College Students to Carry a Gun

Thirteen states are sponsoring bills that would allow concealed guns on college campuses.

Phil Keating reported from Florida State University on "America's Newsroom" and revealed that a recent poll found that 84 percent of students are opposed to the idea.

Keating noted that this is a very timely issue at FSU, following a shooting outside the university library in November that left three students injured.

21-year-old FSU student Rebekah Hargrove, who carries a weapon at all times except on campus, told Keating, "Walking alone at night anywhere, college campus or not, it can be dangerous. I mean, I'm only 5'3". If some big man came and tried to attack me, I would have an equalizing weapon if I had a firearm on me."



  1. Alcohol is a factor in almost all of these attacks, let's add guns to the mix. What could possibly go wrong?

  2. 8:44 nobody is saying you have to carry. If you choose to stay defenseless, god be with you.

  3. if they could drink responsibly, maybe well talk about it!


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