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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Selbyville mother pleads guilty to child endangerment

SELBYVILLE — A mother who sent her 4-year-old daughter to daycare with a backpack full of heroin has pleaded guilty to one charge of endangering the welfare of a child.

Selbyville resident Ashley Tull, 30, was arrested Oct. 6 after sending her daughter to a Selbyville daycare with the backpack.

Judge E. Scott Bradley sentenced Tull to one year of probation and substance abuse evaluation and possible treatment. She also must fully cooperate with the Division of Family Services. Tull's attorney Thomas Pedersen said Tull has custody of her daughter and two older children, a 9-year-old boy and an 11-year-old girl.



  1. probation???

  2. Who is the liberal idiot judge ? She could have killed kids in the school.

  3. kids are in her custody??? Really?

  4. Someone can't comprehend what they read.

  5. There has GOT to be more to this story!
    1. Where's the distribution of drugs charge?
    2. She has custody of her toddlers? This is a fit mother?
    How 'bout a little more depth to this story?

  6. 331 lets hear it >

  7. Her punishment includes a monthly stipend to feed, clothe and shoe the children and herself, free transportation to the free Dr. visits while on the way to shore up to collect money to pay the electric bill after stopping by the housing office to pay the 27 dollar a month subsidized rent she earned selling her monthly allowance of methadone she receives at no charge along with fresh needles and syringes.

    There ya go 4:15!
    (uh... yeah... debench that judge)


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