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Friday, March 06, 2015

School: Boy brings moonshine to class; teacher in trouble

DE GRAFF, Ohio — Officials say a 13-year-old Ohio boy was suspended for bringing moonshine to school, and a science teacher who knew he was making the illegal alcohol was reprimanded for not reporting that the boy brought it to class.

The boy brought the liquid to school in De Graff, about 50 miles northwest of Columbus, in January. Riverside Local Schools Superintendent Scott Mann tells the Dayton Daily News he thinks the teen wanted to show it to the teacher but didn't mean any harm. The teacher dumped it into a drain.

She later received a written reprimand for not immediately reporting the situation.


1 comment:

  1. I remember doing the same thing back in 194? in Biology. Everybody smelled it -or tried to smell it- and then the teacher put a match to it. Just a test tube, not full.


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