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Sunday, March 29, 2015


Nearly every aspect associated with it is tyrannical.

Drivers as well as their passengers in Topeka Kansas will soon be subject to a new policy requiring everyone to put their hands up during police stops.

Police say they are implementing this policy because “we all want to go home to our families, and this makes it safer for us to approach vehicles to gain that compliance. It gives us a chance to survive these encounters.”

However, the implications regarding this practice are horrid, and many residents are up in arms about being forced to be up in arms.

“Every day somebody’s getting shot by a police officer, and it’s like ‘oh my goodness, will I be next?’, or will I be okay?” said one resident.



  1. I have no problem with "hands up" especially if this helps deescalate any potential situation. A small price to pay for everyone's safety and well being!!

    1. Its a huge price to pay officer! We must not give up our freedoms and liberties for a small sense of false safety! Do you people think this will stop anyone from killing a cop? No! Its about control and force. Letting this happen will slowly but surely conform the people to start accepting this crap. Just as we have with DUI checkpoints which have no progressed to driver license/ I.d. check points in places like North Carolina. I guess it will be OK for the local sheeple to have to wait in traffic to prove they have licenses. Smdh. Civil unrest is the goal folks. They're doing a good job.

    2. This policy is the perfect answer to all the idiots out there. This will definitely save lives!

  2. Cops lives matter.

    1. Not one cops life matters more than mine! All lives matter! That's the problem with cops. They think they are better and above us all. Go read about the drunk cop chasing a guy off duty and killed himself. Had his girl in the car. No regard for anyanybody but themselves or how they think or feel. Would his live matter if he killed your kid acting in that manner?

  3. Thanks for the laugh.

  4. And what happens if someone can't lift their arms? Shoulder surgery or something? Just kill em right?

    1. There should be a placard on their vehicle in that case 3:50. Duh!

  5. Scared to do their jobs. Every cop wanting this is a tyrant coward! Wait for additional units if your that scared. Firefighters don't say we are going to let it burn to nothing because to may have died going in! Police state sheeple keep applauding. I can't wait for McClain to read this!

  6. Sounds like some more of Obama's BS, Guilty until proven innocent.Screw that crap I ain't puttin my hands up for no SOB.

    1. Guilty until proven innocent is the only damn thing Obama can't be blamed for. No man is innocent until proven guilty.

  7. You cowards are cop haters until you need one and then you complain they were too slow getting their. You should be glad we have police because you would never make it in anarchy.

    1. In anarchy you cops would piss your pants to come after us good ol boys . waiting patiently just oiling my guns .

    2. I am sure you are one bad dude to be reckoned with, Cleatus.

    3. 11:07 the only stopping the cops are the stupid laws that protect you. You wouldn't stand a chance hillbilly!

  8. Look guys, I.m a card carrying conservative Tea Party guy and I have no problem making people feel at ease while they do their job. I can't see how this will impact our rights in any manner and I'm sure if you can't raise your hand due to a physical problem that won' be a problem either. I support the Police and the job they do even the sobriety checkpoints. Safety is a good thing as it includes everyone.

  9. Hands up started this , the black community should be proud!!

    1. You got it 5:07! Hands up, don't get shot.

  10. Actually, if you Google search this topic, an article from the local newspaper says that the department is asking motorists to have thier hands visible when the officer approaches, not placed in the air. And the tone of the article made it seem to be a request, not a demand, or a law.

  11. Conservative ExtremeistMarch 28, 2015 at 5:43 PM

    And, you can be quite certain that Hogan and Harris and Anderton and the rest of our pro 'fascist police state' officials are going to back it, too.
    The more that this crap piles up the truer "there is NO non-violent way to recover your freedom" becomes.

  12. I read it. Laughed at the obvious scared tone in such a tough guy. More attempts to treat ALL citizens as terrorists and/or felony killers. This ain't Tikrit or Fallujah....
    Here's a clue, officers --- its NOT your "job" to "go home safely each night".
    The most concise definition of a cop's job is this ---
    "Protect the community and to give your life if necessary in that endeavor".
    It is NOT to shoot at anything and everything that scares you so you can go home at night to your family (a well-intentioned idea, but again, NOT your priority). Most of the unarmed people YOU killed sure would have liked that chance.
    It is to give that child a chance to show you its a BB gun (you're too bad-ass to ever learn the difference between a BB gun and an AR-15), or to give the guy a chance to show you that its his WALLET he reaches for, or to give the citizen a second to surrender.
    KILLING citizens because YOU are afraid is stone cold wrong and if you think otherwise, I recommend 1)you quit your job. Please. 2) get some counseling 3) read the Constitution.
    ALL public masters are eventually subdued by their subjects. That's an historical fact. The more "conditions" and "rules" you place upon citizens that interact with you, the more FREE CITIZENS chafe, resist, and resent. You think those "conditions" protect you? Maybe in the short run....

  13. Although I have not been stopped by a cop in 20 years, I would have no problem having my hands visible. It would make their job a lot easier and less threatening.

  14. Lighten up people,this HAS to be a joke.The day both of my hands go up both middle fingers will be displayed.

  15. kop wants respect he'll treat citizens respectfully, if he don't then he will eventually hate his job because the average citizen will return his lack of respect!

  16. Or WHAT?????????????????????

    Just shoot first?

    Maybe I ought to pack and assume the cop is just pulling me over to kill me.

    Turnabout is fair play, and all I want is to go home safe and alive...

  17. 6:10 You're telling cops what their job description consists of, what their "priorities" are?

    No, their job is not to give their lives to protect the public. Seriously.

    1. Really? Could've fooled me! Your right I'm sorry. They're not hero's. They are zeros! Except to Uncle Sam. They're Sam's goon squad. Scare people and steal money!

  18. Stop all the preemptive law enforcement for revenue. Fewer cops will be shot and citizens will not be endangered by paranoid trigger happy mercenaries.

  19. 6:10--Imclain

    After reading your rant, you definitely have "authority issues". Read the article, it's about showing your hands,not the Dorian Johnson's hand up, don't shoot rhetoric. Your analogies and reference points reflect fear and paranoia. Relax and flush all that negativity away----you only live once

    1. Fear and paranoia? History always repeats itself. And their are countries that are living the police state in full effect. But hey you need a job and the only people who hire bully's with ego problems that know all are police agencies. Its not what the article is about. Its about where our country is headed!

  20. As a cop of 35 years, I have always appreciated it when a citizen who has been stopped places their hands on their steering wheel upon my approach.

    No...your not going to "get shot" because I cannot see your hands...but If I feel threatened by your furtive movements and concealed hands, I am going to ask you kindly to place them on the steering wheel.

    Traffic stops are not the number one cause of death for police officers. In fact, it is more dangerous for the police officer to stay safe from oncoming traffic than it is to address the driver who has been stopped.

    In the past, our biggest problems and chance of a fatal encounter came from disturbances such as domestics and the like...today it is from being ambushed (something that was a rarity when I started on the job). Today, our officers are responding to calls for service and being slain before they can even get out of their vehicles. Some are gunned down as they approach a residence. It is a different world today than it was decades ago.

    I believe we should allow those law abiding folks who desire to have a concealed carry firearm to do so. I would feel like I had back up all around if good people were simply able to protect themselves and that which is precious to them.

    Not all of my colleagues feel this way, but I believe I am in the majority opinion on the subject. I trust good people and have been aided in my career on more than one occasion by a good Samaritan.

    You should never fear the police when your living your life well...when you are a law abiding, stand up person. When you are not doing right, when you are behaving badly, when your conduct is abhorrent to a civil society, then you should fear the police officer..."for he does not bear a sword in vain". Do right and you will have praise from the same, do wrong and remember well...every doggy has his day.

    Thanks to all of you who know you would be one of those to help out when the chips are down...and thanks to those who keep us honest and demand that we uphold and defend the Constitution. A good police officer has nothing to fear from oversight so long as those who become his judge remember that what they will take hours, days, and weeks to contemplate...the officer had seconds and fractions of seconds to come to his decision.

    It is a tough but rewarding career...it is not for the faint of heart...not for the haughty...not for the cowardly...not for the self righteous...not for the impatient...it is for those called into it who learn to exercise patience and kindness in one hand while holding a club in the other. It is the ultimate job of balance and controlling demeanor.

    It is an honorable profession.

    1. Holy chit! I can't believe I just read that from a cop! Wish your name went up so I can praise your mentality to your bosses! However actions speak louder than words.easy to be somebody your not on the internet.

  21. What will be the next plan when people still get shot by coward cops with their hands up? If you're scared get a dog, oh that's right you do have them, body armor, guns, military weapons and vehicles, and you are still scared? Then find another profession. Man up, do your job professionally, and lawfully, and maybe people will treat you with the respect you earn, NOT DESERVE! maybe stop pulling people over to fill your revenue agent quota.... make them fire you and go public. We would all support you! We are sick of cops having to pull us over for quotas to be ticketed, harassed, and sometimes killed. For what? is this really protecting and serving or you knowing you are doing wrong and thus treating us like crap because you realize as a cop you are hated simply for doing your job? You want respect, earn it. Be a cop, not a revenue agent. Do the stuff cops get honored for, like saving lives, catching real bad guys, instead of sucking life out of an already suffering community! Then and only then will cops be respected, but appreciated. Whens the last time you heard anyone say they love the IRS? Well you are just them on a local level, raping us for more money. So be a real cop, and you will be treated like one.

  22. Is it that hard to be lawful? Losers get what they deserve.

  23. The mayor needs to address how the police treat the youth in Salisbury,their out and about skateboarding and riding bikes and being hassled constantly.Why not find a place for them to go and communicate with them.

  24. "Fail to obey a lawful order" is how the law is stated. To further it "reasonable" should be added. The only problem is people such as imclain don't know the laws nor are they reasonable people.

    1. Lawful order? No laws says obey everything cops tell you. There are laws that say you can fight n kill to protect yourselves from unlawful arrests. I know my laws officer. And my rights.

    2. That's correct, no law says that you have to obey everything a cop tells you to do, but you do have to obey lawful orders. I know it irks you that you don't get to do just anything and everything you want, sport, but we are a country of laws. ..even laws you don't like.

  25. 11:29 Well said.

    If most people take the attitude right up front that the cop is going to give you a hard time, they're going to be looking for any excuse to buck up to that cop, and be an uncooperative prick. Un-cooperative prick = suspicious potential threat = alarmed and defensive cop = escalating situation = a bad day for someone.

    Likewise, if most cops approach every interaction with the expectation that the person is going to be an un-cooperative prick, he's going to see him as a suspicious potential threat, become alarmed and defensive...and
    once the situation escalates, someone is going to have a bad day.

    If the cop approaches smiling and relaxed, the person is going to naturally be less defensive and more likely to be cooperative...if he has nothing to hide. It's just human nature.

    Likewise, if the person is smiling and friendly toward the cop, he is less likely to be looking for a way to remind you of his authority, and less likely to be a prick. Just give him the chance to feel good about being a nice guy just doing his job, whether either of you likes it, or not.

    Show common courtesy by putting your hands on the steering wheel or where he can see them, without even being asked.

    Give him your license and registration, and keep quiet. If something is "unreasonable" in your opinion, that is NOT the time to argue your case. Simply make a note of his name and badge number, the time it happened, then after he leaves, make a formal complaint if it's needed.

    "Reasonable" is in his judgment, at the scene, not yours. If you don't believe it was reasonsble, don't risk escalating the situation until you are too dead to file a complaint, let alone tell your side of the story.

    Yes, some cops can be pricks, but typically it's in response to assholery from the person they are talking to. And some cops are just plain pricks.

    Likewise some people can be pricks, and some are just pricks in general. But remember who does have authority, and who is lawfully armed and trained to use it. Your best bet is to co-operate first, and complain later.

    If you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to lose. And "not doing anything wrong" is in his judgment, not yours. If you aren't, don't be a jerk and make him think you are.

    "Not doing anything wrong" in your opinion, doesn't mean you aren't breaking some law, for which you may be held accountable. If you've got a joint in your pocket, maybe an outstanding warrant for an unpaid fine, or a few leftover fireworks in your trunk, then yes, technically you are doing something "wrong" in the eyes of the law. Why give him an easy excuse to be suspicious and "reasonably" search you, or look a little further for wants and warrants on you, by being a dick about it and attracting further scrutiny?

    I'm sure the cops would much rather be out there racking up the big points by snagging DWI's and busting cars with kilos of cocaine and arresting real criminals, than little piddly stuff that's just going to mean more paperwork and hassle than it's worth. Let him get on his way, and out there spending more productive time on those who break more important laws.

    1. Fool. No cop walks up smiling. Hands on gun ready to kill always! And getting drunks? They have to actually drive around or set up illegal check points for that. They park on side of 50 and generate money! Not look for drunks. Then they profile people during the traffic stop and find probable cause to arrest.just because I'm an asshole to a cop don't give right to search! Or hold me there long enough for a dog to show and give his false " hit"! Then search for an hour and find nothing. Or fireworks for that matter. And to end you say let them go on and get more important criminals????? How about not mess with petty crap in the first place officer? Like you said not worth the time.... But its worth our money!

  26. March 29 at 3:50 pm...well, you see 1:43 pm, you know, the guy or gal you to whom you replied, offered a fair, and reasonable, method by which to deal with law enforcement, and for cops to interact with the public. You, on the other hand, have offered nothing but more confrontation, more rhetoric, more spew, more nonsense typically of the "laws don't apply to me, I'm gonna do whatever I want" group that frequents here.

  27. 3:50 Not so. I've had a few that were smiling and pleasant, which of course put me at ease as well.

    I don't know, because I'm not a cop, but they're probably trained to have their hand on their weapon just in case. They have only a split second to react if someone pulls out a weapon on them, and wasting time fumbling for a weapon can be the difference between life and death.

    As far as them setting up speed traps, I believe it is their superiors who decide that's what they're supposed to do that day. In my opinion, a day spent collecting "road tax" is a waste of resources when there are real crimes to be solved. But, that revenue pays for the cost of their more important investigations, the ones where "real crimes" were committed.

    As far as "profiling", they are trained to recognize the sometimes subtle behaviors and clues that indicate an individual has something to hide.

    Like I said, whether it's the cop or the other person, if one acts like an asshole, the situation is unnecessarily put on edge. And if it's met with assholery, regardless of side, the situation is likely to escalate. That's why respect and courtesy are the key to preventing unnecessary incidents.

    No, being an asshole doesn't constitute probable cause for a search. But how hard is it, to not act like it, until he's done with you? You have the right to be an asshole, but any ch

  28. 11:29...well said.
    Respect to you.....
    11:51....I must know a LITTLE about the law --- no civil or criminal record...no points on my license.....because I point out facts that are uncomfortable to some doesn't make me unreasonable.

    Don't hate the player, hate the game.

  29. Why all the negativity? All you have to do when stopped or approached by the police is to have your hands fully visible or up. This is not rocket science and violates no rights. Just make everybody feel safe! This a no brainer.


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