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Sunday, March 01, 2015

Paul Tatem Found NOT GUILTY Of Attempted Murder

It only took 3 hours for the Jury to decide Paul Tatem NOT guilty of murder. Heck, other then a possession of a weapon charge, the Jury found him not guilty of all the 1st degree, 2nd degree attempted murder, armed robbery and a host of other charges.

Matt Maciarello basically stated, "the Jury has spoken". With all due respect, what the hell were all the charges about then?

Clearly if you are black in Wicomico County and you don't have the funds to get a good criminal attorney, (in which this guy fortunately did) according to statistics, YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL IN WICOMICO COUNTY. In fact, (according to statistics per capita) if you are charged of a crime in Wicomico County the odds are HIGHEST you'll see jail time over ANY other County in the entire state. With charges like the ones here, you have to wonder, are the new statistics a really good thing or a really bad thing?

This, (to me personally) is some pretty scary stuff. I'm thinking, heck, if you're charged with multiple counts of attempted murder and the whole nine yards and there's really no evidence you did the crime, WOW! 

I had also heard there was a female of which the Police stated they had found her dna at the scene, yet she claimed, WHAT THE HECK, I've never been to that home or property, WOW!

Now I've not seen a press release from the States Attorneys Office either last night or this morning but I'd say there's a major problem in Wicomico County and I'll clearly and openly state, this is NOT the first case like this here. 

So all they got on this guy was an illegal firearm. REALLY? And look, I don't care what this guys previous record states, he was charged with murder and he didn't do it! This means the MURDERER is still out there. Very scary stuff!

My hat is tipped to Tatem's attorney David Weck. 


  1. I read on a local news site that a poncho at the victims home had Tatem's DNA on it?

  2. because the victim was white. if he was black, and the perp was white, it would be a diff story.

  3. Not Guilty does not equal Innocent. I don't care about his skin color, Wicomico County was robbed. Joe, why would you (of all people) play the race card? WTF is going on around here?

  4. It don't matter what u read it's over now weather he did it or not

  5. Ummmm, he had a public defender. Get your facts right.

  6. 8:39, If what you say is correct, even more power to him!

    8:29, Get your head out of the sand. Ask the States Attorneys Office, of the people sentenced to jail, (or better yet, charged) in Wicomico County, what's the percentages between black and white?

    I do not call it a race card. It's the facts.

  7. Matt and that jug head asst. Sure can be tough when someone pleads guilty and they try to throw them in jail for small time crime. Looks like they can't run with the big dogs. Losers!

  8. Joe, ever think the reason there are more blacks in jail is because more blacks commit crimes?

  9. 8:55, I don't have that answer, honestly. MY point was that in most cases, especially here, they do not have the funds to hire good representation to defend them.

  10. I think many black and white kids are bullied into plea deals because they are scared. Stand your ground.

  11. The states attorney should not bring any murder case to trial unless he has really solid evidence to be sure he can win.If he goes to court with flimsy evidence and the accused is found not guilty he can never tried again even if the accused admits he commited the murder or evidence is later found that absolutely proves he did it.

  12. David Weck is a Public Defender.

  13. Salisbury.....All of Wicomico County Residents: they overcharge around here hoping they can bully and pressure you into a a plea deal!!! They churn the monies!! Court fees, their local buddies (attorneys) get paid, more money for Wicomico County. Complete corruption! You get charged for ANYTHING in Wicomico County...GET AN OUT OF TOWN ATTORNEY!! HORRIFIC AND CORRUPTED!!

  14. Joe, you should start a blog on corrupted charges. Look at Salisbury PD, and SU college students all found not guilty. The reason why, they had video of what really occurred. Our society in Wicomico County needs personal body cameras. Not cameras for police officer, buy them for yourself and your children!! It's your only defense!!!

  15. If he would of have some drugs or money or cars they could seize I bet they would of presented a better case! All wicomico county cares about is drugs an money ! If it ain't got to do with that they don't care thanks mike Lewis you woman beating short man complex having prick!

  16. 931-You clearly don't understand the double jeopardy statutes.

  17. ok, he didn't do it?? find out who did!!! Donnie was a friend of mine! move on to suspect #2.

  18. I'm sure it's a lot more to this I don't think that guy just randomly picked that house !

  19. I support Law Enforcement. I have questions thou which will never be answered.
    If the States Attorney Office is that incompetent in presenting a case then there should be a severe revamping of the Attorneys since it appears to be severe incompetence in the personnel. They only present a case due to the reports they receive.
    That brings me to the Police reports. Were they done thorough and concise or were they done in a zealous mind set.
    I have seen both in my years and I will leave it at that.
    This should be used as a learning experience instead of a negative response for all involved. Negativity will lead to greater mistakes in the future

  20. Black eye on the states attorney office tut tut Matt.

  21. Last I heard David weck is a public defender. Hard to say. I saw a person have a new PD every time they went to court. This person never knew a new PD was assigned every time. Just meets new lawyer when they show up. After a couple continuances the person was fried. Never even had time to talk about their case.no due process. The PD office is a joke and the states attorneys office are ruthless bullies. Its all about who you are or what lawyer you can afford.

  22. the jury was full of crap! they had seen very graphic photos I guess that was cartoons to them. an elderly man life cut short before his time. I guess people of wicomico county don't care if ur parent was killed beaten to death. I am greatly disappointed in our justice system.

  23. The bottom line is Tatum got away with murder. Joe I am sorry Matt is not Davis or Sam V. Why is the State's Attorney for the county not handling murder cases. I tell you why he cant. They are to busy playing slap ass. That office needs to be cleaned up from the ground up. There is a major ethics problem in that office. I am sorry for the Mariner family and the Troopers in this case. Great job Homicide Unit. You did the job the S/A failed to show up for the game.

  24. Wow this stinks how sad. Tatum's DNA linked him to the scene. Becksted kept Jury till 1 a.m. I do not get that. Did she want a mistrial or not guilty. She needs another shot of Botox in her lips wtf. How vain can one be.

    This stinks Tatum is lucky it was not one of my family members he beat to death with a bat. He would have never made it to court for this very reason. Oh he did it and he had help

  25. Matt is too inexperienced to try a major case. He would rather march in parades in his red tie. He is in way over his head, and there are very, very few good lawyers left in his office.

  26. What's wrong with you people? This man was found innocent? Law is law. Jury is jury! You are all pissed right?
    Now step back two days to a man that was found guilty and sentenced because of his past and color and no evidence with an ass load of reasonable doubt and you applaud the legal system. Which is it guys? Good job Matt or bad?

  27. the monster Tatum was the murder has over 20 previous of robbery and attempted murder even stole from own mother who won't even allow him in her home he had no supporters St the trial even put blame on his friends spend half his life in jail. we all better watch our backs he will strike again. he will rot in hell.

  28. We sure are gonna have a hard time convicting criminals here in Wicomico County Salisbury with a child in the States Attorneys. office. I certainly don't want them representing me. Shoot , if Mr.Weck can get a murderer off, even though I think he's an ass, I would have to choose him....No wait....he gets murderers off...I forgot myself forva minute

  29. That Man is guilty as can be! And everyone knows it..look at his smug grin..Yea what up I did it and got away wit it!..Wicomicoo County is so off the hook...Murder someone and walk free...This place needs to get back to reality..Such a shame.

    1. Well for once a man walks due to facts instead of assumptions. I pray you never make a jury selection.

  30. 10:04 If it was based on facts (which you obviously don't know) then he wouldn't have walked. PERIOD.

    1. Well 12 people were presented facts and found him not guilty. As many people that get sent away for nothing. No witnesses or facts, most times an officers word.I'm sure this man walked justly.if you people had it your way it would be like this....this is such n such.... He has done this n this before and is charged with this. take a look at him. Is he guilty or not?....... We find him guilty. OK ty. Go to jail next! Five minute trials and done. You people make me sick. This is american last I knew. And I want to hold proud if what we have left of our justice system. Want to condemn people like you all are? Join ISIS!

  31. The states attorney's office is not the same anymore. The reason Matt doesn't try the case, he doesn't have the experience.
    My condolences to the family.
    It's not a black and white thing it's a socioeconomic thing.

  32. Surfs up Matt head to the beach and do a little surfing you will feel better or you could go to a couple of legal seminars on homicide prosecution. You better find a hired gun with a reputation for winning for craps sake. You do have one or two up there that can get it done.

    The bottom line is you did not recruit the top of the class. Your budget has tripled since you took office. Quality man not quantity. I think you need to take some time and really look at your staff. I voted for you now get in the court room and quit being a freaking figure head. Davis had a drinking problem but he still won the big cases. Your office is the king of plea and it is obvious why !

    1. I'm sorry. To compare Matt to Davis is like apples and oranges. You can't compare a 1st grader to a mob style crook! Give Matt some time and he will be as corrupted as Davis was.

  33. He will go out and do some more dum $hit and be right back up there again soon.This bunch never learns.Its just thug, thug and more thug.

  34. He got away with murder. Pure and simple. Just like O.J. For those in the courtroom, they know he did it, but the state was unable to prove its case "beyond a shadow of doubt" For those who heard the testimony, they believe he did the crime, but the law set the bar high enough that the jury could not convict. And if they didn't agree on a verdict, the jurors would have had to spend the night deliberating. The snow was coming and they didn't want to be stuck in the courthouse. They were ordering to start deliberating at 9:30 at night. Quick decision, they wanted to go home. The pizza just wasn't cutting it.

  35. I find all of this so sad! Clearly from the evidence I heard on the news, there were 3 DNAs involved, Tatem, his ex-girlfriend and an unknown suspect. Who is the unknown suspect...How can the accused sell the deceased TV set he stole? He had to be there. Oh, he bought it from someone else....really! Who drove the truck, who left it at the nightclub in Salisbury...Who were all the prostitutes that frequented Mr. Mariner's home? Why doesn't the roommate know more about this and who spent time with Mr. Mariner? I have so many questions,and so few answers. I think some more digging needs to be done and find out who the 3rd DNA belonged to and how the ex-girlfriend's DNA was there...Why wasn't she charged? Why do folks in this town always blame the State's Attorney? What about the investigators? I knew Donnie Mariner for some twenty some years and my heart breaks for his family and close friends who have no answers. Clearly, there are a lot of unknowns here, and someone needs to answer the unknowns and get someone behind bars for beating Donnie too death in his own home. He didn't deserve that no matter how many prostitutes he entertained.

    And, with regard to race, seems to me in this town, the majority of the crimes are not committed by whites! The numbers don't lie...do a story on the crime and let us know how many are committed by blacks, how many by whites! I think it would be interesting. '

    I pray there will be justice for Donnie someday!

  36. I was under the impression that if someone was participating in a felony crime, where someone is killed, then they too would be charged with murder whether or not they actually pulled the trigger (or did the actual beating).

    So either the jury didn't believe he was there, despite overwhelming evidence, or it's yet another case of racism, refusing to convict just because he's black.

    As far as the racial disparity in arrests and convictions, this has nothing to do with whether or not Mr. Tatem was considered a suspect and charged accordingly. Each case stands on its own.

    There is a disparity in arrests and convictions because black males commit far more crimes, and much more violence than white males, even controlling for socio-economic status. Since they are more likely to commit multiple crimes, their previous criminal records result in harsher sentencing. This from the government's own statistics, which are carefully vetted to veil obscure the true scale of this problem.

    Mr. Mariner's tragic death won't even be counted toward the staggering total disparity in black-on-white violence, since Mr. Tatem was not convicted.

    It's a shame, since effective gun control would have stopped, if not prevented the home invasion. If only Mr. Mariner had been able to keep control of his firearm, and sent a hot lead injection of justice through the criminal(s), he may have been alive today.

    We'd be enduring the caterwauling of the criminal's "fambly" about how "he was a gooood boy" and was only in the man's home to read the bible to him, before Sharpton & Jackson. Shakedown Team Inc. showed up to demand "ju$tice" for the poor dead gentle giant aka "Dint DoNuffin".

    But at least Mr. Mariner would still be alive.

    People, don't let your loved ones live in the ghetto, regardless of race.


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