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Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Obama Supporters Endorse Communist Karl Marx for President in 2016 Election


  1. Crying out loud, who ARE these people who trust in Obama?!

  2. I cannot stand an Obama supporter and hard to believe that these crazy liberals are thinking the way they do! They must on some kind of drug,

  3. Well, they already proved they'll vote for a Communist. Twice, and they still don't even realize it yet.
    Why not elect another Community organizer, even a long dead one.

    Democrats are idiots.

  4. IT will be over soon,this DEMONARCY.

  5. Every time I see one of these crazy interviews I just can't belive how stupid people are,don't people even pay attention to whats going in the world.We are in real big trouble.I saw a lot of palm trees so I assume it was in S.Calif. and that answers a lot.


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