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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

News Anchor Inexplicably Says Lady Gaga Sings 'Jigaboo Music'

Lady Gaga performed a medley from The Sound Of Music at last night's Oscars ceremony, wowing the audience and the film's original star, Julie Andrews.

Lady Gaga Owns Oscars With 'Sound of Music' Medley

Beauty queen-turned-news anchor Kristi Capel was also impressed by the performance, though she had a strange way of expressing her feelings. "It's hard to really hear [Gaga's] voice with all the jigaboo music that she does, or whatever you want to call it. She has a gorgeous voice -- I never knew!"

In case you're not a racist from 1901, jigaboo is an antiquated racial slur for African-American.

Capel has since tweeted apologies, claiming she 1) Didn't know the meaning of the word and 2) Didn't know it was a word. Why one would use a word they didn't know was a word is a question for the ages.



  1. and today's gots to go type of situation

  2. Drinking the kool aid

  3. Big deal, more things to get upset about

  4. Her rendition of The Sound of Music songs was amazing.I had no idea she could sing that well.

  5. Perfect example of beauty does not necessarily means brains as well!

  6. how stupid can one person actually be


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