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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Moscow offers women hourly 'husband rentals'

"You're a beautiful woman with a killer manicure that was done only yesterday." How will you ever change a light bulb?

Oh, Russia, you land of unimpeachable manliness, you. Only would your largest municipality deign to offer low-income women not hourly repair services for their household fix-it needs, but instead hourly "husband rentals."

"Moscow City Hall Takes Pity on Those Without a Russian Husband," was The Moscow Times' headline on a piece about the recently announced social service, which will supplement existing municipal services that help with more "feminine" chores such as cooking and cleaning. "Husbands" will be free of charge for low-income households, and moderately priced for others. TheTimes writes:



  1. Husbandly services? I know a few women who would sign right up.Some of my girl friends have needs.

  2. I'm available!!!!!

  3. Any temporary wife services available? Don't get me wrong, I just need a good cleaning lady.

  4. You'd know why if you've seen some of those Russian women. They could bench press a mack truck.


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