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Friday, March 06, 2015

More than HALF of US children will be minorities by 2020

White children will be outnumbered by minority kids in the United States in just five years, new Census Bureau projections reveal.

This is the result of an ongoing trend of declining birth among white Americans and a baby boom among immigrant groups, as well as a surge in immigration.

By the year 2020, 50.2percent of all children in the US are expected to be non-white, according to the Census. By 2044, whites will be outnumbered by minorities.

The Census study, released this week, predicts that by year 2060, nearly 20percent of the population will be foreign born - thanks to an influx of 64million new immigrants.



  1. With this many on the Gov. tit, Seems a little unsustainable to me. Independence cards for everyone!

  2. Cool!
    White student unions, affirmative action for white students, preferential hiring to fill quotas, favoritism at relief agencies, etc.

  3. Can't wait to play the white race card. I'm discriminated against because I don't depend on welfare and support my own kids. Unfair!

  4. LOOK at england the muslims are told to breed 8/1 to collapse the system.

  5. 10:32 YES!!1

    it's high time we get some milk from those teets!

    can't wait to apply for my minority bennies!!

  6. "can't wait to apply for my minority bennies!!" Something tells me that it isn't going to work that way.


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