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Monday, March 09, 2015

More parents should speak out against Common Core

It’s time parents got involved in their children’s education to see what is happening to them with the Common Core standardized testing. Peruse what is being taught to them and how they are being tested. Parents, research the facts and stop relying on the government and media.

I believe this government is slowly taking away our freedoms and rights and that it wants to control society. What better way than to indoctrinate and, in my opinion, brainwash our kids to support progressive big government through the education’s curriculum? A government-brainwashed child is a controlled adult robot.

Government officials promote this education system as having high standards so our children can compete with the rest of the world, but they devise a curriculum that seems to do just the opposite. Some experts have stated that this curriculum will set our kids further behind by another two to four years. Dumb down our children, and they could be easily controlled and become cheap labor.



  1. For a country's administration that cries "Diversity!" at every opportunity (and creates opportunities for same where none exist), Common Core is a pathetic, pandering piece of work.
    Just as No Child Left Behind left all children behind, CC is a mockery of the potential for meaningful education of our youth and a death sentence for our nation and its ability to compete with the rest of the World.
    Of course, that's what Obama has in mind.
    Parents, get out there and look at what Common Core is teaching your kids! Don't ask the kids, because they don't have a clue.

  2. I am glad my kids are out of the current educational system and never experienced the so call leadership that prevails this day and time. No chance these kids of today with Common Core will become Computer System Programmers or any other high tech employees from this system.

  3. I am glad my kids are out of the current educational system and never experienced the so call leadership that prevails this day and time. No chance these kids of today with Common Core will become Computer System Programmers or any other high tech employees from this system.

  4. Dear Readers,

    Again I submit to you the following:




  5. Dear Readers,

    As many know regarding my posts, I am no supporter of the common Core or any of its incarnations. That being said, as parents, you have more power than you know. You may simply refuse - forms can be found for MD at Unitedoptout.com

    To support this, I have been a lifelong educator here in Wicomico County as a teacher (10 years) and administrator (15 years) and I can absolutely assert that the local school divisions cannot require your children to submit to this. My children are well grown and well beyond this, but having said that I would have stood in the way of this like I did for the MSPAP (for those that remember it)...and yes, I did work in the state department of MD (1999-2001) in addition to my work locally - in short, there is no reason for this beyond the testing juggernaut that continues to force indoctrination - To parents of students currently enrolled, a simple refusal letter to your child's Principal will suffice - Please know that despite their rhetoric, there are no issues with regard to punitive situations that they may legally evoke. Should you run into issues, please make comment on this post and I will advise including representation that specializes in this area.


  6. Home school that way you can totally control what propaganda you want for your children.

  7. Paladin,
    A lot has been said against CC and how to opt out of it, but no one has ever provided a link that may give a good synopsis of what it tries to teach, or examples of lessons or tests so parents and students can make an intelligent decision all by themselves.

    Do you have any help in this direction?

  8. Dear Anon (7:07 pm)

    I have located this article for your review. It succinctly sums up this travesty. Once you have reviewed it I am open to questions.





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