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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Mocking the Obese Should be Illegal, Says Expert

Should all speech and humor that hurts someone's feelings be banned?

An obesity expert has called for mocking the overweight to be made illegal, putting poking fun at fat people on a par with sexism and racism.

“Our results indicate that discriminatory experiences contribute to poorer psychological wellbeing in individuals with obesity, but there are currently no laws prohibiting weight discrimination,” Dr Sarah Jackson told the Daily Mail.

“If weight was a protected category it might help to reduce the prevalence of weight-related discrimination and thereby improve quality of life and wellbeing for a significant proportion of obese individuals,” added Jackson, calling for the Equality Act 2010 to be amended to protect the obese from “discrimination”



  1. the author is right on target. Only conditions that cannot be prevented or changed should fall under discrimination. Race and gender clearly fall there. Most physical deformities as well, though many can now be surgically corrected.

  2. I and my 5 year old son were in Food Lion the other day and there was a really big lady in front of us. Her pager/beeper went off and my son said "daddy be careful, shes backing up".

  3. Shouldn't we expect the same for skinny discrimination too?
    These people are nuts. "if weight was a protected category".

  4. Just more to love!

  5. I have one eyebrow over my two eyes. People stare at me. I don't want them to.

  6. My daughter was a very big woman because of health problems that left her unable to exercise and depression that contributed to her eating. So she grew very large and then developed leg pain that left her disabled. She stopped going into public places because of the ignorant comments by people with no sense of decency. Long story short.... at 37 she decided that life was too painful and cut her wrist. Her husband found her when returning home from work. Her children have no mother and they are grieving. 12:31...you are raising a thoughtless, unkind, miserable human who will possibly contribute to another humans suffering and possible suicide. How do you justify your black soul?

  7. Anonymous 6:46AM- Sorry for the loss of your precious daughter. Bullying is never right, no matter who it is directed at.


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