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Sunday, March 01, 2015

Joe is out with the roads division



  1. Great job County Roads Division, led by Lee Outen and all his crew!!!!

  2. great job road div.

  3. wonder what fatboy jt is doing for the community ?probably eating small children in the mall lol.

  4. this has been very informative to see how the roads people do things. it makes it clear to me that it is harder than it seems and takes patience and persistence to get the job done. good work by all.

  5. Is Lee city or county?

  6. Thank you roads division!! Get some rest tonight!!!

  7. can Jt sit on the back of there Trucks for more Traction...?

  8. Much better job this week. Lots more to do so keep working on those back roads. Fire Tower Road is a mess!

    1. I'm sure you could apply to work for roads dept since apparently you know it all.

  9. Christ, Joe...you're gonna give JT that big cardiac; "You hear that, Elizabeth? I'm coming to join ya, honey!"

  10. To the county employees that actually do their job properly (and there are many) thank you for doing a good job. We realize most of you are underpaid and under appreciated by most, but you keep coming back and doing a great job day after day.

  11. is that a driveway?

  12. Thank you Lee Outten and Roads for allowing us to see just what you go through during a snow. It hopefully will make those who are quick to complain have a better understanding of what it takes. I appreciate Joe Albero having the opportunity to explain and showcase your work. It is great to see an employee who is not afraid to let the taxpayers know what he does and what it takes. Other employees should follow your example. Well done! Kudos for Culver for allowing the true transparency.

  13. It is time that Jonathan Taylor be ignored. HE is guilty of all the things he accuses Joe of. He personally attacks and allows attacks on non-public figures. He has repeatedly posted LIES about Culver that are provable as lies. He continued to post them when told that his information was flat out wrong. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of that kind of pot stirring.

    Whether you like everything Joe posts or not (I don't agree with him all the time), this blog is the major source for news in our community. Main Stream Media usually lags far behind him. Don't resent him because he gets news faster than the others. It is because the public realizes that if you want to get information out or if you want to find out what is happening, SBYNEWS is the place to go.

    Taylor offers NOTHING OF VALUE. He is not "press". He wastes taxpayer dollars with his vendetta FOIA requests. In short, he's a joke. People need to shut him down.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Lee is so hot!!!!

    February 26, 2015 at 4:21 PM

    Jim Ireton is that you again?

  15. 7:10 COMPLETELY AGREE! I stopped reading Taylor a while ago. He offers nothing. His self-importance is laughable. Joe can be opinionated, but his stuff is almost always DOCUMENTED. You may not like everything he says, but he delivers the goods.

  16. fat boy is on st st st stroke alert its coming tick tock.

  17. Too bad they didn't crush your head off with that plow blade.

    1. Too bad joe didnt bulldoze your shitty buissness down asswipe.


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