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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

ISIS burn 10,000 books and more than 700 rare manuscripts in Mosul

Isis terrorists have blown up the Mosul Public Library, sending 10,000 books and more than 700 rare manuscripts up in flames.

Leading members of Mosul society reportedly tried to stop the fanatics destroying the building, but failed.

The director of the library, Ghanim al-Ta'an, said that the extremists used homemade bombs in the attack, which took place on Sunday.



  1. The US needs to create jobs in Ferguson in order to detract these wayward imbeciles from destroying human order. I'll bet that will bring law and order there.

  2. Take away from man his history and his ideas, then implant your own. Make him fearful of you, then own his safety, his freedom, his life, his future.

  3. 806 has it. That is the goal, but the goal is impossible, and will be thwarted big time.


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