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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How liberal discipline policies are making schools less safe

New York public-school students caught stealing, doing drugs or even attacking someone can avoid suspension under new “progressive” discipline rules adopted this month.

Most likely, they will be sent to a talking circle instead, where they can discuss their feelings.

Convinced traditional discipline is racist because blacks are suspended at higher rates than whites, New York City’s Department of Education has in all but the most serious and dangerous offenses replaced out-of-school suspensions with a touchy-feely alternative punishment called “restorative justice,” which isn’t really punishment at all. It’s therapy.

“Every reasonable effort must be made to correct student behavior through…restorative practices,” advises the city’s new 32-page discipline code.

Except everywhere it’s been tried, this softer approach has backfired.



  1. There are kids bringing in knives and guns into middle school that is never reported.

  2. The word "liberal " is wrong. They are Marxist plain and simple. Remember the story of the Trojan Horse.

  3. That POS Socialist mayor is turning NYC into a maximum security prison like the 80's Kurt Russell movie!


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