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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

How Jeb Bush's Big Bet On Florida Economy May Come Back To Haunt Him

JUPITER, Florida, (Reuters) - In October 2003, Jeb Bush unveiled one of the largest economic projects in Florida history: a $500 million plan to bring Scripps Research Institute to the state and build a biomedical hub he said would generate nearly 50,000 jobs in 15 years.

As governor, he described it as a "seminal moment," comparable to Walt Disney World's arrival in Florida in 1971, which brought billions of dollars in tourism, spawned tens of thousands of jobs, transformed the economy and created the world's most-visited vacation resort.

Today, as Bush leads possible Republican candidates in the 2016 race for the U.S. presidency, the missed projections and mixed results of his signature economic policy as governor - a biotechnology gamble that has yet to pay off - illustrate problems he could face in explaining his own record while promoting a vision of "real conservative success."



  1. The name Bush will be his biggest haunt,because special interest groups at home and abroad don't want their agenda interfered with.We are not just the US anymore.We are the world,and the appropriate candidate must understand such.Bush is not a fit.Absolute power requires absolute certainty & he is not worth the gamble.

  2. What I find funny is how Bush constantly polls low and was boo'ed several times during Cpac. Yet the media still acts like he is the front runner because they want to shove him upon us.

  3. Jeb Bush is absolutely the wrong person to become POTUS! And, the sooner his supporters understand how evil this klan is, the safer our Republic will be.
    Dick Cheney learned evil from G.H.W. Bush. Evidence points straight at him in the Reagan assassination attempt.
    Prescott Bush (G.H.W's daddy) was a Nazi collaborator during WWII. Convicted of the crime and fined [he should have been shot sparing us the heinous crimes of his son and grandson], he was virtually run out of Connecticut only to descend on the unsuspecting citizens of Texas who looked upon the klan as Northern carpetbaggers.
    A great deal of your freedom was stolen from you in 2001-2002 by G.W. Bush via the 9/11 attacks, it's cover up and subsequent and keenly directed 'knee jerk reaction' legislation passed, in a fog of deceit and lawlessness, by the 107th Congress.
    This short list of lawlessness and deceit attached to the Bush klan merely scratches the surface, if one only cares to look. Open your eyes and see the truth, the Bush klan are enemies of the American people.


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