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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

House bill would ban powdered alcohol in Maryland

Maryland lawmakers are considering a one-year ban on powdered alcohol, the latest fad beverage expected to hit liquor store shelves this summer.

A bill ( HB1288) introduced by Baltimore County Del. Dan Morhaim would prohibit the sale of powdered alcohol through June 2016. Offenders could face a fine up to $1,000. Maryland lawmakers will have to act fast and outside the legislature’s normal rules if they want to get new regulation, introduced late, on the books before their session ends next month.

The bill comes just weeks after Arizona-based Lipsmark LLC on Mar. 10 received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its powdered alcohol, Palcohol, which can turn into a cocktail when dissolved in water or another liquid. Lawmakers and public health experts across the country worry teenagers will abuse the easily concealed alcohol or endanger their health by trying to inhale it.



  1. They're panicking because it will skirt the alcohol taxes and liqueur board control.

  2. Just produce your own liquor. It's cheaper and easy to do.


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