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Friday, March 20, 2015

Hogan Backs Bill To Examine Corrections System

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Gov. Larry Hogan is backing a measure to form a council to work on ways to cut spending on corrections and reduce recidivism.

Hogan, a Republican, announced support for the bill Thursday. He says taking a tough stance on crime isn’t just about incarceration. He says the state needs to strike a balance and explore ways of helping people who have served their time get back on their feet.

The House of Delegates vote 119-19 on Thursday to create the Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council. It would bring together people from across the state’s criminal justice system.



  1. Long overdue. The Hug-a-Thug programs will never work. Make prison a tough place and not a day camp!

  2. The bad thing is the first they always cut is staffing and training. Two vital things in Corrections.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Long overdue. The Hug-a-Thug programs will never work. Make prison a tough place and not a day camp!

    March 20, 2015 at 2:40 PM

    I don't think you grasp what this story is all about, but don't let that stop you from sharing your outdated opinion.

  4. As a retired Correctional Officer I would love to be on this Council.
    As for as the first thing they do is cancel training and cut staff is done on the say so of incompetent Administrations and Management.
    I stated a Union Rep and Correctional Officer that the Staff was not the problem. The problem was / is the Officers not allowed to do their job as stated in the DOC regulations because of the LIBERAL Administration and Management. They think the regulations are to harsh on the convicts and makes their job as Administrators harder.
    If you think I am distorting the truth look at WCDC and their problems, their Administration is from ECI as a whole.
    I can give insight from both points of view.


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