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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Eighth-Grader Informs Classmates of State’s Standardize Test ‘Opt-Out’ and Her Mom is ‘Very Upset’ by School’s Reaction

It’s always endearing to see young people stand up for a noble cause. The Blaze recently reported on the efforts of a young lady who not only took issue with the state standardized test, but actually did something about it:
Adelina Silva, an eighth-grade student at Capshaw Middle School in Sante Fe, New Mexico, took it upon herself to let her classmates and their parents know that they had the option to “opt out” of the state’s new online standardized test, known as PARCC.

Because she feels the standardized test is “setting us up for failure,” Silva started handing out the opt-out forms on Thursday. It didn’t take long for school officials to intervene.



  1. resistance will not be tolerated

  2. Do Maryland students have the same option? Kids would be expelled and placed on a watchlist around here for refusing probably.

  3. Expelled??? Are you kidding? They don't expel them for anything anymore, they don't even suspend them. Their federal dollars come from daily headcount. No students, this BOE would starve to death. How would they ever afford all of those Dunkin donuts and other extravagant meals?

  4. There must be some attorney who would take this case pro bono and set this right. Once that attorney, whoever he or she is, does come forth, he or she could be a hero to the cause of transparency and constitutional rights.

  5. Where's the ACLU when you need them?

  6. Paladin has explained the opt out procedure more than once on this website. Students who are opted out will be assessed but not on the PARCC. More parents need to do this.

  7. thats great! kinda like the illegal police checkpoints we are finally wising up too


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