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Friday, March 13, 2015

Dr. David Pook Admits He Wrote Common Core To End White Privilege


  1. All the more reason to hate liberals. They are sick.

  2. But the whites are the only ones grasping his epic fail. I don't get it.

  3. Explains a lot. We must all band together to get rid of this crap.

  4. White privilege? Listen up....I got of my ass and went to work. Everything I have is because I had the overwhelming desire to have the better things in life. I didn't sit back and wait for the government to give me a phone, subsidize my living arrangements, pay me up to 90 weeks of unemployment because I didn't have enough gumption to get a job. You hate me because I'm white with privilege. Tough, just get over it.

  5. I wish these liberal people would take a one way flight to North Korea.

  6. which only proves that the real racists are the liberals. they think the minorities are too stupid to perform on their own so they have to dumb everything down for them. its educational affirmative action

  7. I would say this is not our parents America and white privilege died 30 years ago. Whites are now the most discriminated group there is. There are programs and hand outs for everyone else except whites.

  8. 9:46....the truth is the truth.
    This is why they will NEVER be anything -- ANYTHING -- other than leeches, slugs, cheats, and liars.
    Some people (millions, apparently) have no desire to have ANYTHING better. They are completely happy with whatever they can be GIVEN.
    No desire to improve the lives of their children. No drive to succeed, or live in a better neighborhood.
    It's not "white privilege" (I grew up very poor).
    Its called "work ethic".
    It comes from parents (plural, and very important, by the way) who taught their kids to work and earn their way, not to take handouts, to not let failure be an excuse (for anything), and that anyone can achieve their dreams if they worked hard.
    And they (parents) reinforced it with their own efforts, you know, -- with JOBS and things..
    Stop saying that every bad thing that happens to people is SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT.
    If you let your kids skip class because you thought they were the next James LeBron (but wasn't), and now he can't get a job, its NOT because he's black. It's because he's STUPID.
    Who's fault is that??
    Start assigning blame to the right people or NOTHING will change....

  9. 10:23 has it correct.

  10. Commie, Liberal, and probably a Muslim too!


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