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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Dianne Feinstein: Benjamin Netanyahu 'Arrogant' For Claiming To Speak For All Jews

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Sunday that it was "arrogant" for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to presume to speak for all Jews on a potential nuclear deal between the United States and Iran.

Netanyahu has defended his upcoming speech to Congress on Iran in part by saying that he feels like he is an "emissary of all Israelis, even those who disagree with me, of the entire Jewish people."

During an appearance on CNN's "State of The Union," Feinstein, who is Jewish, dismissed the suggestion that Netanyahu spoke on her behalf.

"No, he doesn't speak for me on this," she said. "I think it's a rather arrogant statement. I think the Jewish community is like any other community, there are different points of view. I think that arrogance does not befit Israel, candidly. I think Israel is a nation that needs to be protected, that needs to stand free, that hopefully can work constructively with Palestinians to have a side-by-side state and to put an end to the bitterness that has plagued this whole area."



  1. who let her out of the Psych Ward?

  2. Oh, I guess she means that Sharpton is ignorant for speaking on the behalf criminal blacks which he is. She is nothing but an ignorant liberal who has no idea of what it means to be Jewish. Her only allegiance is to Obama and his socialist agenda. Maybe she would like to live under ISIS law but that can't happen due to her being Jewish because she would either be terminated or sold into slavery.

  3. Feinstein... what's the matter... no pork bills to push through to make your family richer? Wish Hitler was still around! He was a visionary, ahead of his time.

  4. He may speak for Israelis but certainly doesn't speak for all jews. Most jews don't live in Israel duh.

  5. Free speech people.

  6. I think her and others are easily led to believe Iran has her goodwill at heart,sounds like 1942 all over again.

  7. isn't she the one whose husband has the real estate listing monopoly on Federal real estate sales? talk about arrogant!

  8. 12:48-good point,but they think that wherever they live they count equally.It seems that every nationality who came to the US of their volition expects to remain connected politically to their home country.Even some who were born and raised here chime in whenever their home country is in question.Unless they are just visiting,they are US citizens just like you and I.

  9. This Bim forgot Bibi was elected by the Israelis to represent them......

  10. Damn shes ugly.
    Its time for her to expire...I mean retire.


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