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Sunday, March 01, 2015

County Executive Culver Responds To Mike Dunn's Article In Local Paper


  1. Very well articulated.

  2. Look everyone knows Dunn has a conflict of interest in every endeavor he is involved in..he is the mouth piece for the real estate industry...he is only for lining his pockets and his supporters..Dunn please shutup and go away..you and your good ole boy network is DUNN

  3. We need more elected officials like Bob. Mr. Dunn is such a liberal and just recently saw on Facebook that he said it's ok for the schools to be closed, chill and just let the kids enjoy the time off and spend the time with them. Well, obviously he has no children in school to worry about child care when both parents work. Yes, when there is a blizzard that is different or when they are sick but to just keep the schools closed for a few inches of snow is absurd! Thank you Bob for your hard and dedicated work and don't let the sore losers get you down!

  4. Mr. Culver states and supports his case using logic rather than emotionalism. There is a respect for the intelligence of the citizen absent from knee-jerk appeals to what we "deserve" as a community. We deserve answers that represent thoughtful collaboration rather than vague calls to rash and costly actions. On this and countless other issues, we deserve leadership rather than mindless pandering. It would be a refreshing and much-needed change.

  5. Although very relevant and eloquent, it will fall on deaf ears because the libz don't give a rats arse about anything other than spending someone else's money.

    It's always been that way, and won't ever change. You can't rationalize with those fools either, because obviously they are soooo much smarter than we lowly taxpayers.

    We voted to leave those tax and spenders behind, and leave them we will.

  6. No matter what Mr Culver proposes there will always be those who object,not because his proposal wasn't good for the taxpayer but for political reasons pure and simple.Typical democrat way of thinking.

  7. This all boils down to a Board of Education that has become accustomed to getting its way. Those days are gone and they have not yet accepted that. Instead of trying to come to a mature working agreement, they prefer to pick up their toys and go home, yelling all the way. It is refreshing to have an elected official who looks for the so-called "win-win" solutions. Unfortunately, in this case, the solution is not another Taj Mahal facility for the school board, which is really the basis of their dissatisfaction.

  8. I love this.. it demonstrates so well that Wicomico voters GOT IT RIGHT this time!
    They've picked a man who can (and will) fix the mess Ricky and the Dream Team made.
    And I've got the feeling this is just the start-- as people see real competence and effective solutions, there will be a snowball effect.

    GO BOB!!

  9. A Big Hats off to Mr Culver!

  10. As a retired businessman I have to say, extremely well thought out, proactive and extremely fiscally responsible to the taxpayers.

    You see Ladies & Gentlemen, THIS is the kind of political representation Maryland has needed for far too long, seriously. Between Bob Culver and Larry Hogan, we're on the right track and we're NOT pissing away taxpayer money BECAUSE WE WANT SOMETHING!

    There's a major difference in life between WANT and NEED. Unfortunately the younger generation, (with all due respect) is a WANT generation.

    Honestly, THINK for just a minute. Seriously now, do tell me ONE thing that Mike Dunn has brought forth that actually benefits the City and County?

    This is a guy who signed off on an $84,000,000.00 Waste Water Treatment Plant that was NEVER a proven product and KNEW that it would NOT work this far north. It has now become a $140,000,000.00 hell hole and he also signed off putting in a $1,000,000.00 liability clause in the contract so if anything went wrong, the ONLY money the people involved in building the facility would be liable for. DO THE MATH...

    $84,000,000.00 facility, $1,000,000.00 liability if it's screwed up. Now I ask you, would ANY of YOU sign such a contract?????

    Mike Dunn is a very hateful man because out of nowhere Salisbury News came along. I was the one who exposed all of this. I was the one who exposed all the illegal activity at the WWTP. Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn and the rest of their "Dream Team" hate Joe Albero because I TELL AND EXPOSE THE TRUTH.

    Yes, they even sued me and what happened, I WON. They called me a liar and did everything they could to defame me. Was I guilty of ANYTHING they had said for years, NO.

    I would't trust that SOB as far as I could throw him.

    So I ask, WHY would ANYONE give him ANY credibility? Because people like Greg Basset were the people behind COVERING UP the illegal activities until there was just too much proof and evidence against all of them.

    Mike Dunn and Bassett are a true cancer to society. They will twist things like no one has ever seen.

    Bassett & Dunn, "You've Been Blogged".

  11. My grandmother always told me to buy the best you can afford, well I believe Mr. Culver's ideas are the BEST that we the tax payers can afford. With the cost of demolition and disposal of buildings that money would be best spent in remodeling Bennett into amutiuse building for county offices and help with people having to go to one building to take care of several issues rather than running all over town to find one county office or another! Mr. Culver's ideas are 'progressive' thinking and a 'green' solution to county office leasing!

  12. Great article. So glad Bob has attempted to explain his vision. The comments on this post indicates to me the realists are appreciative of Bob doing as he campaigned he would. The issue is there will always be the any sayers but they will go away as the people embrace Culver's vision.

  13. A reasonable idea. That's one of the reasons Bob earned my vote.

  14. This makes so much sense! It is clear Culver has the right approach. My concern is the RINO council led by Cannon does not have the backbone to go against the BOE crazies. This will be a good test of what the council is made of. M. Holloway and Hall - watching you too.

  15. Bob has explained his position in a calm, understandable manner. People like Dunn will hate it because it is logical and makes sense. No handwringing and drama, just facts. Very impressive. Glad I voted for the guy.

  16. SUPPORTERS OF CULVER - contact everyone you know to get on this blog and support Culver's position. You know the BOE and liberals will be out full force at the next council meeting. Show the council how you feel by commenting here or show up at council meeting in support of Culver's protection of the people.

    We know they all read this blog even if they won't admit it. Let's blow this post up with support!!!

  17. THIS is why Pollitt needed to go. Too bad MHolloway and Hall didn't go too. If they don't support Culver on this, we need to make their lives miserable because they will not be living up to Republican principles or supporting the majority of taxpayers. Cannon, too.

  18. FINALLY some common sense. I love it! Now watch the Council screw it up. Culver stand your ground you have our support.

  19. As someone who left the private sector to come into teaching in an effort to help produce the critical thinkers industry needs disparately, I see Mr. Culver's recommendations as both innovative in its approach to solving dificult problems, and fiscally responsible.

    The only folks that could be against such reasoned plans are those who want to purchase the 8 acres on the corner of South Division and College at a fire-sale price, then turn around and either flip the property at a huge markup to SU, or build more student apartments for Salisbury University students.

  20. Mr. Culver you have the support of the people. Let's hope the council understands the people voted for change and this is the kind of change I personally voted for. Thanks for allowing me this forum to respond.

  21. 9:13,

    I am afraid you have it dead wrong.

    You are 100% correct that Dunn is the mouth piece for the real estate industry.

    The problem is that there are too many people who don't know that. There are too many idiots out there that think he is all about what is best for the community. This is bull crap and needs to be shouted out to everyone.

    Hats off to Bob Culver for a well reasoned solution!

    has a conflict of interest in every endeavor he is involved in..he is the ...he is only for lining his pockets and his supporters..Dunn please shutup and go away..you and your good ole boy network is DUNN

    February 27, 2015 at 9:13 AM

  22. Thank you, Mr. Culver, for providing a cogent response to Mr. Dunn's histrionic rembling in last week's Independent.

    It strikes me as strange that Dunn has again come out of the woodwork to promote another cause. This one seems particularly suspect in the light that he is (and will continue to be) childless and has never publicly expressed interest in either our children or our school system.

    Given the connections with the real estate movers and shakers in the area, it is obvious that Dunn's true aim is to have the county vacate that corner property and sell it to the highest bidder. It's a story that's been told over and over in Salisbury, but almost always after the fact. Sassafras Meadows, the incredibly overpriced Station 16 property, the Northeast Collector debacle, the million dollar developer reimbursements all have his signature on them. And what did each of these bring to the people of Salisbury, or to Salisbury itself? Most of not all have brought decades of debt and a leeching of public monies that could and should have been spent on better things, but, instead, went to pockets of those in our local real estate and development businesses and left the public with less than nothing to show for it.

    No, Dunn isn't the person to listen to on matters like this. In fact, he's the last person to listen to on matters such as this one.

    Thanks, again, Mr. Culver. You called this one correctly.

  23. I picked up at least 40 of those papers at food lion to start my fireplace. The way I see it is, they're free. It doesn't say you can only take one so I'm not breaking any laws.

  24. I'm sick and tired of hearing from POS dunn and the other pos's that think they know it all and line their pockets while f'g us taxpayers. There was an election and you turds lost now shut up and go away. you to Grudis!

  25. Mike Dunn is the same as when he was in high school -- a jackass.


  26. I am a Mother,Grandmother,Great Grandmother I have followed this young mans career(Bob Culver) for many years. He is honest truthful cares about normal people like you & me.Break away from our old politics give this man a chanch to improve our life. Yes I am old but also very wise

  27. Way to go Bob. We the people support you.

  28. Joe what,s your take on this? Not one person except you that trashed Dunn or Bassett had the stones to sign a name to their comments?What are they afraid of?

  29. 10:34, Retaliation.

    Greg Bassett and even another Blogger are on the record for stating they are only going to publish positive things in our communities, they LIED.

    When Greg was with the Daily Times, especially after that alleged phone spoof, published an article showing the professional protocol for journalism. The very next day and from that day forward he broke those exact rules.

    They cannot be trusted. One guy stated Culver had put hardwood floors in his office and spend all kind of taxpayer money on it, he lied. We proved that lie so he then stated Culver put the hardwood floors in the conference room, he lied again. I had a friend send them a comment stating I would personally pay $10,000.00 cash to this guy if he could produce ONE picture of the alleged hardwood floors ANYWHERE in the executives offices. I told this friend, I guarantee he won't publish the comment, he didn't. Instead, 5 minutes later he put up an article saying HE had scared Bob so much he decided not to install the hardwood floors. He lied three times.

    How many times do these people have to LIE to the public before the public gets it?

    Anyhow, hundreds habve been retaliated against them because they spoke out. Salisbury News provides an incredible place for people to tell the truth, (not all comments, mind you) and expose these people for who they are.

  30. Gannett, the parent company of the Daily Times, at least has a statement of ethical conduct and reporting, even if they made a practice of breaking it every day.

    Bassett, on the other hand, doesn't have even that, leaving us (again) with whatever pops into his head and onto his press, truths be damned.

    He's partnered up with Dunn in the past, and nobody is better off for it, except for the few Dunnophiles that still exist.

  31. Joe, i saw that alert page busting you and i wanted to tell you the guys name running it. Ryan Stevenson from oc a gay dude maybe iretons lover

  32. Mike Dunn is looking out for Mike Dunn.

  33. Mr. Culver has written a well-reasoned position paper. If those on the opposing side wish to question or to find fault with his proposal, let them do so in written form with specific examples of deficiencies in Culver's presentation. It's called being an adult.

  34. 11:24 Agree with you, however those attacking Culver are not adults but whiny, spoiled brats. In addition, they think they are smarter than Culver and the rest of us. The funny thing is - Culver beat their candidate - didn't just beat him - spanked him! They can't handle it so they have turned to Done to save the day. That is how desperate they are. ROFLMAO

  35. This is a great response to Dunn. It is factual, unemotional and on-point. Why did Grudis and Mills lose their minds and try to stir up the parents and teachers? Is that setting a good example for students? "We're not getting our way so instead of talking like adults, let's all rebel." Very mature. Not sure we have the best educators. Maybe that is why our classroom rankings are so low. New schools won't fix that.

  36. Proud to say I voted for this man. GREAT JOB CULVER...KEEP IT UP!

  37. Mr. Dunn,
    My snake oil has still not arrived. You said a month ago that it would be here by last week. Please call me to let me know when it will be delivered.

    Your Customer

  38. Congratulations to Culver. This is the kind of adult, factual discourse that should be had on subjects like this instead of all the emotionalism the BOE brings to Council meeting. They need to recognize leadership when they see it - and it isn't coming from their direction.

  39. Took a lunch break and saw this. It has made my day. Thanks Bob for your common sense approach. It makes me happy to think someone cares about me and the tax burden I have.

  40. The BOE couldn't lead their way out of a paper bag. Good work Bob. We are behind you.

  41. Thank you, Mr. Culver. Renovations to BMS have been the only thing needed for two decades to bring it up to par. Pleas to do so by students, faculty, administration and parents were ignored. Finally, we are blessed with a person who can see the wisdom and the savings (and pride of ownership) in conserving what one has instead of letting it decay as an excuse to buy the newest model.

    I hope that this mentality catches on among all those in public service.

  42. What a shame that we didn't elect Bob four years earlier so that the new middle school would never have left the drawing board.

  43. Liberals love wasting other people's money. Wicomico voters made a clear choice and the losers need to accept it. Their mismanagement has brought about these current economic conditions in which Culver has to work within. If we wanted the status quo we would have simply kept Politt and his cronies. He lost... Simple as that.

  44. No doubt this will result in more robo calls by the Board of Ed.

  45. Goid work bob, the liberals now are complaining about you changing the signs for your parking spot just goes to show you they have NOTHING to talk about.

  46. This letter shows why Mr Culver was elected and is very forward thinking in his approach to every situation so far. Keep up the good work protecting out tax payers money

  47. Will Basset's paper publish Culver's letter?

  48. I love you guys on this blog. But you have to make these same things known via that crap rag, the Daily Times, and the other crap rag, the Salisbury Independent.

    You have to get the truth about Mike Dunn into the hands of the young professionals and the SU students. You need to get the truth about Bob Culver into their hands or they will be Dunn is St. Michael and Culver is the anti-Christ. Same with the senior citizens at Mallard Landing who are a captive audience to Jim Ireton's "shows."

    If you care about where you live, if you care about Bob Culver, please do this. Joe's blog is great, but there are so many people who don't read it or have been told that he is the anti-Christ.

    The Scheme Team came to power through the lies of the Daily Times and the Machine's outreach. They are coming back to power through it, through Facebook, Twitter, you name it. They just wait for turnover in the voter base.

    I pray for Mr. Culver. I pray for the good in Salisbury and Wicomico County.

  49. Who is Dustin Mills? A fat lazy turd burgler that thought he could get elected running in a minority district as a Conservative. Well Fatty, you just proved that you are not a conservative. You are just a fat lazy progressive that feels entitled to everything now days. Hey fatty if you were so concerned about that track you would be running circles around the old one to lose about 100lbs.

    I suggest Mr. Fatty go back to where he came from. He is not wanted here and his Save Phase 3 facebook page has turned against him. Go Away Porky!

  50. 12:39, I think you'd be absolutely amazed at how many people come to this Site every single day. In fact, We have more people coming to this Site before 7 AM then Bassett distributes in an entire WEEK.

    Look, I'll agree that not everyone comes here and your idea is valid. However, don't kid yourself and others, most LIE by saying they don't come here but our numbers every single day prove they are liars.

    Come on, where else are you going to not only get the truth, no one else has the stones to expose the real TRUTH.

  51. Funny how Mike Dunn re-appears after a couple of years of hiding. He was a sh!t stirrer when he was on the city council and he is still a sh!t stirrer. We didn't want you and you were not going to get re-elected so you moved away. If you think you are going to get re-elected again I have news for you Mr. Homo.

  52. I think Dustin Mills is just pushing for a full time job with the public school system. I pray that he doesn't get it. Do you hear me loud and clear.

  53. Is Mike Dunn and the old lady still swinging?

  54. There is far too much "high school pride" in this area. I graduated from Wicomico High over 15 Years ago and I often get judged by people twice my age that went to Bennett and Parkside. All this people are trying to do is save their high school "legacy" of being better and more grandiose than everybody else and to ensure that their kids have the best of everything. It's about time that stops and Culver is just the man to do it! Bennett was built on a budget that was too big for this count's britches and now its supports are starting to see the effects of it. Did they really need lighted tennis courts that damn near rival Wimbledon? In fact, I spent a lot of time at a job on Onley Rd during the Spring last year (Tennis Season) and not once did I ever see anybody playing tennis under the lights and I was always leaving the job between 6-7:00pm. Those nice pretty lights sure aren't getting much use, but then again, it's just a status thing to say you have them.

    Also, Did they really need relocate the bus ramp to Onley Rd? All they managed to create was a cluster at Bateman St and required City improvements to Onley Rd that were not planned for. Not to mention, the increase travel time to school for bus drivers since the Middle School and High School bus ramps aren't conveniently located adjacent to each other.

    Now they cry when the "Super Campus" plan is being destroyed. Personally, I think it was stupid to relocate Bennett Middle, but that's not the topic here. Culver has an EXCELLENT idea! Unfortunately, in the eyes of the likes of Mike Dunn, that "unsightly" building would hinder the overall glamour of the Bennett campus - Mike, you know that is what you are thinking so just come out and say it! There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON why the fields can't or shouldn't be relocated as proposed. Personally, I think it would look much better than simply having the fields piled on top of each other (kind of the way Parkside's field look). Having the repurposed building in the mix would certainly break it up a bit.

    Now onto the repurposing of the Middle school - another great idea! Personally, I have worked on several buildings that have been brought back from the brink of demolition and they turned out to be very attractive properties. It clearly will fill a need, save on demo costs and reduce monthly obligations - anybody that is smart with their money knows that better to buy than to rent in nearly every scenario.

    The Bob Culver, keep doing what you have been elected to do! We appreciate finally having somebody that is spending our money wisely. Also, thanks for putting Dunn and Grudis in their place! Couldn't have said it better nor in a more elegant fashion!

  55. I think that they should sell the property to a local investor, then sell it back to the county for four times what they paid. It's the Mike Dunn government way!

  56. This article was in yesterday's Salisbury Independent and on their website. How many people will really see it on there? The Daily Times, WBOC, WMDT do not report anything in its entirety. The DT edits to suit themselves, not publishing letters or articles as sent (I know from experience), and then puts their liberal bias spin from Susan Parker on it. The television stations give it a couple of minutes tops - nothing in depth. Taylor is a complete, total LIAR. So, SBYNEWS is the ONLY media that will publish the info in full. Joe may make his comments, but he allows the complete info to be published. He is the only one who is truly getting the truth out to the public.

  57. Mr. Culver has explained this so well, I don't understand what the problem is with the BOE and their supporters. What is Dunn's issue? Culver never said he didn't want to see ball fields built. Moving them elsewhere and remodeling Bennett sounds reasonable and smart to me. Seems like this is a made up firestorm that Dunn and company have tried to create. They obviously are deliberately misleading people and Bassett is supporting that. His paper is just another liberal-leaning rag.

  58. All I can say is WOW! This is so easy to understand, even the crazy BOE cult should be able to follow it. If the Council doesn't support Culver on this, they need to be taken to the wood shed and the people need to revolt against them.

  59. So impressed with Culver. He explains things so clearly, I guess that is what having common sense and business sense can do for you. It is a breath of fresh air not to be bombarded with the government babble that we've heard for the last 8 years and longer. Thank you Bob Culver for watching out for the citizens. We've need someone like you for years!

  60. Mark my words, they (the screw the taxpayer liberals including council RINOs) will find a way that this can't happen. They just CAN'T STAND that Culver is in office. The public needs to be prepared to fight for this or the underhanded, backstabbing Creamer and company will make sure it doesn't fly.

  61. Another plus to not demolishing the building is keeping hundreds of tons of unnecessary debris out of our fast-filling county landfill. Of course, with the Dunn plan, the county will supposedly make money on the tipping fees.

  62. i would like to hear the story about the SWINGING part

  63. I think it is time that Culver ask Hogan to have the Attorney General investigate some of the goings-on in Wicomico County. Some of the deals Culver is stuck with are like insider-trading and sleazy if not outright corrupt. There is much more to be exposed and that is why so many people are trying to squash everything Culver does. They don't want the gravy train to end.


  64. Thanks to the likes of Tilghman, Sarbanes, Pollitt, Creamer, Cannon, Strasburg, Prettyman, Mholloway and Hall, we are stuck with many bad policies that continue to cripple this county. Unfortunately not enough good people ran for county council, so 3 or 4 of the members are questionable in their true desire to change things. I hope they read this and understand we expect them to get on board with the change the vast majority of voters want. This includes reining in the BOE.

  65. Why didn't the Republicans who controlled the council think of this years ago? Oh, that's right, 3 of them consistently voted with the lone Demoocrat in support of the liberals. Matt Holloway, Stevie Prettyman and John Hall - there had to be something in it for you to betray the taxpayers like this. Is having your name on the wall in a school building that important to you? Shame on you for dissing Culver and Joe Holloway. They're looking pretty smart and well, you all are looking like liberal suck-ups. No respect for you and Cannon may end up on that list too.

  66. Go Bob! Mike Dunn stirring trouble by telling lies. Nothing has changed.

  67. Thank you for clarifying. I was under the impression that it was one or the other. Save Bennett middle meant no fields. If we can do both then go for it!!! 👍

  68. Thank you Mr. Culver for this information. I hope your ideas are used. They make sense and I'm tired of funding things this county can't afford and then tax us for. The people who like the wasteful spending should be required to fund it all and let those of us opposed opt out of it.

  69. This is a great, well reasoned, common sense response. Anyone want to volunteer to explain it to our liberal friends. I am sure Mike Dunn will not be able to comprehend logic.

  70. Bob needs to be on guard. You know people who think like Dunn will be working behind the scenes to bully their way. Creamer is a snake and there is no doubt in my mind he has been contacted by the good ole boys to come up with a way to keep the council from supporting Bob. Cannon is probably in on it too as he is a suck-up to that crowd. Baker is old pals with Creamer (remember Baker's sweet deal?) so he'll come up with a reason I bet. Things are just too cozy among the old guard. Culver is too much of a threat to their way of life. Watch your 6 Bob.

  71. 5:45 Great idea! We should start a movement to make the liberals pay for their ideas and those not interested can opt out. Bet they'd change their ways when they can't spend other people's money. LOL!

  72. Hopefully, this episode will preclude any chance Dunn may have had in the upcoming Salisbury election. Some folks have forgotten about his tenure on the City Council or didn't live here then.

    Dunn, like his father, is white trash.

  73. We finally have an elected official that is precisely - 'FOR THE PEOPLE'

    Mr. Culver, although I have never met you, you will get all my support, my families, support, and all of my tier groups support. It is refreshing to see a real politician that 'walks the talk'.

  74. 6:37 He will need support because the liberals will do anything to "win". Please get all of your supporters to post their support on here and/or show up at a council meeting. Thank you.

  75. Everyday - I thank GOD for SBYnews. For decades, this area has been 'spoon fed' information to the detriment of the general public.


  76. Sounds reasonable but before this is considered, what are the costs and tax implications of repurposing BMS vs the cost of renting space, etc. that school needs a lot of work and to make it worthwhile for the county to use, we need to know the costs. It's more than just saying it, we need facts.

  77. I did not like the tone of Mike Dunn's commentary article either. I am so glad to see that he gave up any political aspirations when he decided to not run for re-election. He is simply to radical in my book.

  78. 6:55 I agree about Dunn's tone. It was very arrogant. What we deserve, beacon of progressive thinking. Who the h#ll does he think he is? He is so full of himself. Bassett is giving him a platform for some reason. Dunn loves the limelight and Bassett must think Dunn can help him. Mutual self-impressed users.

  79. To 6:51 Poster that said;

    'What are the costs and tax implications of repurposing BMS vs the cost of renting space, etc.'

    My response; I can help to shine some light on this - as I was in attendance at the public hearing when the County was going to lease a significant portion of the warehouse space to house the BD of Elections.

    At the time I was not even aware that the County was already renting other space at that facility that housed the 1. Wicomico Dental Clinic, and, 2. The Wicomico County Health Department. So I know of at least (2) present 10 year leases, and, possibly a third, Shore Transit. The last one I cannot presently confirm, but I do know I have seen their vehicles being stored there in the past in the fenced in razor wire area.

    Now that brings me to some more private properties that Wicomico County is also leasing. How about the Lower Shore Sheltered vehicle depot that is housed over on Lake Street adjacent to the Wicomico river. I know Wicomico County also subsidizes this enterprise - and so that is yet another facility that could benefit from the BMS renovation.

    That's not all of them - there is yet another - The Wicomico County Liquor Control Board. This is presently housed in the Banks Bldg. whereby Wicomico is also involved in a long term lease there. And I believe there may be others - like the Lower Shore Sheltered facility located across from ED Supply on Snow Hill Road. This is yet another enterprise that is funded with Wicomico County taxpayers dollars. Or how about the SWED office that is housed in the old Wicomico County Hotel on the downtown plaza. And yet another, the Local Management Board.

    Fact is - these are the ones that I know about.

    If you do the math - all of the above named entities are numerous and it is costing our Citizens a FORTUNE. And get this - at the end of the lease term - the County will have nothing to show for it.


  80. I just wanted to reiterate what 1011 said.

    Know this, if Mike Scumbag Dunn is involved, there is a profit or benefit in it for Mike Scumbag Dunn.

    If you run across anyone who doesn't know this, please pass on the word.

    Mike Dunn is all about Mike Dunn. End of Story.

  81. We removed the Independent from goodwill and shredded for the cat. Anyone else got rid of this kitty paper???

  82. The independent also is good to line the table with when eating steamed hard crabs

  83. FINALLY we have someone in government with common sense. All government normally does is go after spent money with more money. Bob Culver I am glad I voted for you. You take a common sense approach to save money. If everyone in government did that look at all the funds we would have instead of all the waste.

  84. Mike Dunn makes money when real estate sells.

    Any questions?

  85. Mr. Culver obviously knows what he is doing. The voters chose wisely.

  86. Joe,
    Please let your readers know that there are two people named Mike Dunn in Salisbury whose name might be known to the public.
    One is Mike Dunn, the realtor, whose signs you might see on for-sale properties.
    The other is Mike Dunn, the donut hole, who is the author of the Independent piece to which this post applies.
    For the sake of fairness, please don't let your readers confuse these two separate and very different people.

  87. To 7:52 - you forgot one. Wicomico is also leasing the Bateman steet - Board of Elections building. If the BMS is renovated, then, the BOE could practically move-in right next door as the BMS is in close proximity to the current facility.

  88. Regarding Mike Dunn, by the tone of his recent rantings concerning the BMS & Westside Elementary, it sounds as though he has an anger management problem. Although I do not really know the guy, it is obvious he has a problem.


  90. 9:50 AM:

    Spot on!
    He's the two year old you see on the floor of the aisle in the grocery store, screaming and kicking and holding his breath because he didn't get the box of Sparkly Rainbow Tweezies cereal with the cheap toy inside the box. He still carries the scars, and still looks to have the prize in the box, i.e., something for nothing. In his case, his mother bought him the cereal, and he's been doing the same thing ever since to get his way: first, the soft, measured, reassuring voice that says, "I know what I'm talking about and this is all good for everybody", followed by the indignant screaming when people counter him with logic or reality, or catch him in a lie.

  91. In contrast of our two local leaders Bob Culver is trying to save county and city leaders money, Jim Irton is having a gay pride night. What a difference.

  92. I'm sure that Joe would publish any comment about all of the good things that Mike Dunn has done for the community other than the Festival of Lights at the city park and fireworks on July 4th, both of which he de-funded when he was council president.

  93. Great ideas, Mr. Culver! Thank you for your insight and outlook.

  94. To 9:41 Poster - Mike Dunn

    There is yet another Mike Dunn, the manager at United Refrigeration on Eastern Shore Dr. People are always mistaking him and thinking he is the ex-politico.

  95. To 6:51 & 7:52 Posters - There was a lot of backroom deals made with the good ole boy network regarding some of those leases. I'll bet that if you check the landlords campaign contributions the trail will lead right to the front door of some of our politicians.

  96. I think it is wonderful that so many people are supporting Bob. These same people need to contact the RINO council members and let them know how you feel. Cannon, Hall and MHOllowoy are in the pocket of the Dunn crowd. Watch and see....the community needs to make their feelings know. You can bet your @ss the BOE/Dunn crowd is contacting them.

  97. Mike Dunn is such a complete and total a$$. How can anyone listen to or support him in any way? What does he have on people to garner such support? This is beyond comprehension!

  98. 9:50
    That is so on the money correct!

  99. and....

    AnonymousFebruary 27, 2015 at 10:15 AM
    I'm sick and tired of hearing from POS dunn and the other pos's that think they know it all and line their pockets while f'g us taxpayers.

    AnonymousFebruary 27, 2015 at 10:15 AM
    Mike Dunn is the same as when he was in high school -- a jackass.

    AnonymousFebruary 27, 2015 at 10:59 AM
    He's partnered up with Dunn in the past, and nobody is better off for it, except for the few Dunnophiles that still exist

    AnonymousFebruary 27, 2015 at 11:16 AM
    Mike Dunn is looking out for Mike Dunn.

    AnonymousFebruary 27, 2015 at 11:44 AM
    Mr. Dunn, My snake oil has still not arrived. You said a month ago that it would be here by last week. Please call me to let me know when it will be delivered. Sincerely, our Customer

    AnonymousFebruary 27, 2015 at 12:39 PM
    You have to get the truth about Mike Dunn into the hands of the young professionals and the SU students. You need to get the truth about Bob Culver into their hands or they will be Dunn is St. Michael and Culver is the anti-Christ. Same with the senior citizens at Mallard Landing who are a captive audience ...

    AnonymousFebruary 27, 2015 at 12:46 PM
    Funny how Mike Dunn re-appears after a couple of years of hiding. He was a sh!t stirrer when he was on the city council and he is still a sh!t stirrer. We didn't want you and you were not going to get re-elected so you moved away. If you think you are going to get re-elected again I have news for you Mr. Homo.

    AnonymousFebruary 27, 2015 at 12:58 PM
    Is Mike Dunn and the old lady still swinging?

    AnonymousFebruary 27, 2015 at 2:28 PM
    i would like to hear the story about the SWINGING part

    AnonymousFebruary 27, 2015 at 1:47 PM
    What is Dunn's issue?

    AnonymousFebruary 27, 2015 at 5:31 PM
    Mike Dunn stirring trouble by telling lies. Nothing has changed.

    AnonymousFebruary 27, 2015 at 5:53 PM
    Bob needs to be on guard. You know people who think like Dunn will be working behind the scenes to bully their way.

    AnonymousFebruary 27, 2015 at 6:11 PM
    Hopefully, this episode will preclude any chance Dunn may have had in the upcoming Salisbury election. Some folks have forgotten about his tenure on the City Council or didn't live here then.
    Dunn, like his father, is white trash.

    AnonymousFebruary 27, 2015 at 6:55 PM
    I did not like the tone of Mike Dunn's commentary article either. I am so glad to see that he gave up any political aspirations when he decided to not run for re-election. He is simply to radical in my book.

    AnonymousFebruary 27, 2015 at 7:26 PM
    6:55 I agree about Dunn's tone. It was very arrogant. What we deserve, beacon of progressive thinking. Who the h#ll does he think he is? He is so full of himself.. Dunn loves the limelight and Bassett must think Dunn can help him. Mutual self-impressed users.

    AnonymousFebruary 27, 2015 at 7:56 PM
    I just wanted to reiterate what 1011 said. Know this, if Mike Scumbag Dunn is involved, there is a profit or benefit in it for Mike Scumbag Dunn.If you run across anyone who doesn't know this, please pass on the word. Mike Dunn is all about Mike Dunn. End of Story.

    AnonymousFebruary 28, 2015 at 7:57 AM
    Mike Dunn makes money when real estate sells.

  100. I fully support Bob Culver. For once, this county has a leader with sense, and doesn't need to pander to a few people that feel "we are entitled".

    This is good business sense for everyone. A real win-win.

    This is great customer service because now county departments can be safely housed and easily reached by the citizens. County employees and citizens doing business with the departments will have plenty of free parking.

    Waste not, want not if we all followed this motto, the city and county would be much better off.

    I would rather take the advice of a business leader (Bob Culver) over Mike Dunn (no experience balancing budgets he always has other people donating money), or a school principal who hasn't done much business thinking for himself because the state dictates his every move.

    These wannabes have another agenda and it isn't fields and schools unless they are getting a piece of the action (paid under the table through shell companies).

  101. Joe, I have to agree with 12:39 about getting the word out to people who don't follow SBY News. Love you, man, but the BOE has a DIRECT LINE to every parent in the county and can misrepresent this as much as they want. I would like to see people handing Bob Culver's statement out to every car turning into the Bennett properties. Just stay on the PUBLIC sidewalk.

    Dunn is dangerous as far as I can tell, able to put on the nice guy act that people lap up like kittens do milk. But his nasty commentary shows that he can't keep up the act for long.

    Something else. People should drop all this "libs" and "RINOs" and that kind of stuff. That actually helps people like Dunn. Looks to me like this is really about people who care about doing the right thing (Culver) vs. those with an agenda and likely a personal one (Dunn).

    I been around the block a time or two (or ten). Can't put all your eggs in one basket, even if it's the hell-yes great basket of SBY News and Joe Albero.

  102. Is Mike Dunn and his wife still on that XXX swinging site Adultfriendfinder.com? My ex and I met them in Aberdeen for a site get together and neither one of us thought we would see someone from Salisbury there. There was also another couple from Salisbury and Delmar there. Small world isn't it. LMAO.

  103. Ah yes the Dream Team. One of the biggest proponents of the Dream Team was none other than Gail and John Bartkovich. Thank God they are now both gone.

    Yes good ole Republicans supported Mike Dunn for getting elected to the City Council. They supported Dunn, Comegys and Cathcart. Not one Republican was recruited to run for the Salisbury City Council. Never that I remember and John Bartkovich was the Chairman of the Republican Central Committee.

  104. Y is bob even talking about thiS idiot PRIVATE CITIZEN.

  105. 1:09,and your point is?

  106. I have serious doubts about the mental capability of Mike Dunn. He is immoral, and I believe he is a very sick (emotionally and probably physically with his lifestyle choices) person.

    Why would anyone listen to him? EVERYTHING he has ever tried to do, he has FAILED. No one can be that stupid and inept that they fail at every job opportunity. Lazy is the word that comes to mind. I think this is a symptom of his lifestyle.

  107. Ok.....what's the bottom line? It's clear that Bobs solution will save us money......but how much? Anyone have an estimate?

  108. The libs just can't stand it someone is doing things different

  109. Aren't there state and county agencies in the government building that are leasing spaces as well?

  110. Responding to 2:57 - Commenter that said 'The libs just can't stand it someone is doing things different'.

    Response: You've got that right. The libs still believe on the spending side of the equation while we peons are steadily mashing the potatoes(paying the increased taxes). Thinking - is not part of the liberals vocabulary.

  111. Anonymous said...
    Ok.....what's the bottom line? It's clear that Bobs solution will save us money......but how much? Anyone have an estimate?

    March 1, 2015 at 1:54 PM

    Who cares as long as it's saving money!

  112. Anonymous said...
    Is Mike Dunn and his wife still on that XXX swinging site Adultfriendfinder.com? My ex and I met them in Aberdeen for a site get together and neither one of us thought we would see someone from Salisbury there. There was also another couple from Salisbury and Delmar there. Small world isn't it. LMAO.

    March 1, 2015 at 10:16 AM

    He used to get jealous of me when she would show me her new augmentations. But the funny thing is he was swinging to be with the same kind if you know what I mean.

  113. What astounds me is the continued lack of descent sporting facilities at Mardela High School yet those in charge at the BOE feel it is necessary to construct this mega-sports complex at BHS. Since I arrived here on the shore in 1969, Mardela has never had anything but a dirt track. Some 45+ years have gone by and the same dirt track exists. All of these Bennett mega-sports complex supporters who claim it is "for the children" (and some of these supporters actually graduated from Mardela who are now under the Dr. Frederickson trance as employee's of the BOE or that have children attending BHS )could care less about the kids that have and will continue to endure lack luster facilities at Mardela. If you are going to attempt to make an argument using "the children" as the basis of your argument, then include all the children throughout the county, not just those that you call your own that just happen to attend BHS.


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