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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

County Commissioners TODAY - March 24, Wind energy on agenda


We just found out that Pioneer Green was on the agenda for tomorrow's Commissioner meeting. I don't know if PioneerGreen's propaganda minister is going to be allowed to speak or what.


  1. "PioneerGreen's propaganda minister"

    "propaganda minister"-You can say that again. These snake oil salesman have mastered the art of propaganda.
    Their brochures are a hoot. Sounds all good until you actually read it and comprehend. Turbines CAN do this and they CAN do that. It's all in the wording. Yes they CAN but DO they actually do what they say they can do, and where exactly are they doing it. What long term jobs have they created for local residents?
    The questions that no one ever gets a definitive answer to are endless and the politicians ask they aren't swift enough to realize they never got a firm answer only a bunch of filibustering.

  2. Thanks to the watchdog who provided this heads up.

    If you go (I can't) please send a post action report - this sure sounds like another scam by PG and its pals on the Council.

  3. I hope Somerset County Commissioners have realized by now Pioneer Green has lied about the so called "economic development".

  4. Glad to see Somerset is waking up and seeing this for what it is... A BRIBE.

  5. PG is doing just what lawyers and lobbyist do and that is provide a bunch of half truths and try to convince people that if you find a pile of horse sh$$ you must have a pony around somewhere. I have found their answers on this site to be full of half truths which in my opinion are the same as a lie. The commissioners are probably not smart enough to even realize they are being hood winked.

  6. "The commissioners are probably not smart enough to even realize they are being hood winked."

    NO they aren't at all smart otherwise they would not even be entertaining the idea. If they were smart they would let some other area be the guinea pig so to speak. Wait a few years and see if these things are all they are said to be, and THEN and ONLY THEN jump on the bandwagon.
    The other thing is (which if they only had brains) the turbine companies, again if these things are all what they say they are, wouldn't have to be out begging for business. There is no demand which should tell them something but again.....if they only had a brain.

  7. Correct 11:56, any business begging to come into Somerset would only be doing so because they are not wanted anywhere else. The windmill people are smart in that they have spread enough money around to the right people to get the commissioners attention. We all know how much politicians like money and staying in power.

  8. Keven, the Pioneer Green wind project is officially dead!!!!

  9. When is the funeral 3:27, I want to go! I want to see the whole crew on a bus leaving Princess Anne.

  10. They finally caved, good job SFS. This is a good example of what ordinary citizens can do when they stick together and fight evil.

  11. Thanks to Safe for Somerset--I feel bad for residents in other States having to live w/ the INDUSTRIAL TURBINES so close to their homes . This should never have happened.


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