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Sunday, March 01, 2015

Council President Selected to 2015 Class of Leadership Maryland

Salisbury - Mayor James Ireton Jr., is pleased to announce that Salisbury's City Council President, Jake Day has been selected to the 2015 Class of Leadership Maryland. Leadership Maryland is one of 34 state leadership programs nationwide and has graduated nearly 1,000 statewide leaders. Day joins 26 past Leadership Maryland honorees from Salisbury, including Jim Perdue, Dr. Memo Diriker, Dr. Ray Hoy and Kathleen Momme.
“These selected participants represent a broad spectrum of highly qualified executives from an extraordinary pool of statewide applicants,” said Renee M. Winsky, president and CEO and Class of 2005 graduate of Leadership Maryland. “After participating in a comprehensive program of experiences throughout the year, these leaders will serve as important participants in the unified effort to shape Maryland’s future.”
Founded in 1992, Leadership Maryland is an independent, educational, non-profit organization designed to inform top-level executives, from the public and private sectors, about the critical issues, challenges and opportunities facing the state of Maryland and its regions. Each year, up to 52 accomplished and talented statewide leaders are selected to participate in the eight-month program.
“I am honored to be selected and to join an incredible class of leaders to help shape a better Maryland,” said Council President Day. “I hope to bring new ideas to Salisbury that are working elsewhere in our State, and to showcase our great city to leaders from around Maryland.”


  1. Bahahaha.... bought and paid for by that Realtor group across the bridge.

  2. Barffff!

    Especially considering some of the past recipients!

  3. Congratulations! I hope you can bring new ideas to Salisbury that are working elsewhere in our State, and showcase our great city to leaders from around Maryland.”

  4. Ireton is a LIARTON.

  5. 12:09 Exactly! He has a huge list of these type of "accomplishments" but he's never really done anything or produced anything. (like most liberals, it's all fraud and B.S. hollow feelgoodism)

  6. liberals patting other liberals on the back for being liberal

  7. And da Bury is an All American City, too.

  8. Jim Perdue's efforts include funding Anthony Brown's campaign.

  9. Mr. Day --

    How about spending some time getting the snow off City streets?

  10. 12:50, You need to direct that to the Mayor and not Council President.

    In fact, according to Ireton's rules, Council Members aren't allowed to talk to department heads, or have you forgotten?

  11. Anonymous said...
    Jim Perdue's efforts include funding Anthony Brown's campaign.

    February 24, 2015 at 12:48 PM

    What a P.O.S. he is just like Anthony Brown. It was Anthony Brown and Marty who tried to put Perdue out of business with PMT and he pays for Antknee's campaign. What an idiot.

  12. Not only is Jim Perdue an idiot for hiring Jake Day(or putting him on the payroll) he is an idiot for making Jake Day's daddy the CEO of Perdue.

  13. So this press release comes from Jim Ireton? Since when does the president of the City of Salisbury Council become an employee of the mayor? This proves that Jake Day is an idiot to stoop this low to make himself look good. Anyone can become a "graduate."

  14. "Showcase our great city??" Have you not been listening to the news lately??? Oh that's right, you only listen to WBOC and don't acknowledge what is happening here. Stop lying about our city "Salisbury" being so freaking great. Two home invasions in the last two days. One of which had a victim be pistol whipped in our great city. The only one with the most courage to stand up and report what's happening is Joe. I know the public officials in the City of Salisbury all read this blog. So start acknowledging what is happening right under your noses and figure out how to start fixing the freaking problems.

  15. 1:30 these problems will always exist in this city just like in cities everywhere. But there are many good people in this city who continue to stand up and take pride in what is right about Salisbury and work to that end. We are either part of the solution or part of the problem.Which one are you.

  16. 12:31 you are right, he has never done anything period. He is just the plowboy for whatever Ireton wants to pull over on the public. Little sir echo, but with a stupid haircut.
    He can't think for himself also has to cut an eye to the mayor in meetings to see if he is saying things correctly. If he ever had to solve a problem by himself, he wouldn't know what to do first.

  17. Lead whom and to where...? I know! Lead us down the rabbit hole! Lead us to ruin! Lead us to financial collapse! Lead us away from our rights! Lead us to prison! Lead us to disaster! Lead us blind! Lead our money to the wallet of 'your' constituents! Lead us astray!

  18. I second that BARFF!!!

    That little boy is no leader. All he does is play GI Joe like a little child and posts "I'm going to get you ISIS" posters on his facebook page as if someone is impressed.

    Hey little boy your idols love ISIS and Muslims. You are a Democrat and you are supposed to be blind about terrorism because your president is. Don't be posting no ISIS cartoons on your FB page like you are really going to do something. LMFAO.

    Why don't you go play cowboys and Indians. That would be so cool seeing you dressed in a cowboy hat with a holster. I bet Jim and Chuck would love to see you naked with your cowboy hat, boots and holster. Oh my!!

  19. These programs are little more than the celebration of all things liberal in government. ..and they exalt those they approve of and bind them into their network. Hoy and company are committed liberals with their hand out continually. It is a "club" to which you would never want to belong.

  20. He couldn't lead a bunch of chimps in a parade.

  21. Jake hurry up and trounce this FRUITCAKE mayor on this years election.


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