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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Committee kills many police accountability bills

ANNAPOLIS, Md. —Police accountability issues have ignited protests, marches and inspired legislation.

WBAL-TV 11 News has learned that a number of police accountability bills have either been killed or are on life support. The demise of the bills come as a shock and because of the widespread community support.

Advocates of legislation holding police more accountable for their conduct have marched, rallied, lobbied and testified.

Law enforcement responded in large numbers, too, but in opposition and police got the ear of committee chairman Delegate Joe Vallario



  1. It is OK. The citizens will fight their own fight. Remember these idiots aren't sitting in the jury's seat during civil cases. We are!

  2. If we elected the delegate - we should let him know he is in line to be unelected!

  3. what do you expect from the fascist state of Maryland? top nanny state only second to California. Cant tie the jackboots hands!!! man i gotta get out of here and im a law abiding work stiff.

  4. it's time to go after their 'leaders' and their training since trying to hold individual cops accountable has proven to be a waste of time and resources.

    do what that elected president of the country of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili did. The first day he fired all the top 'leaders' of both the military and police.

    He warned the cops if they got caught taking bribes they would be fired, if actually SEEN taking a 50 dollar bribe they would get TEN YEARS in prison.

    After two or three days he made good on his promise. 15,000 fired. Then ANOTHER 15,000 fired.

    Took three months to get replacements and no traffic cops for that time. Everything went fine for those three months and crime actually went DOWN.

    It seemed the cops were the criminal element there.

    New cops, new cars, new TRANSPARENCY.

    Imagine that!

    Didn't someone promise us transparency, oh about 6 years ago? But I digress.

    Why is it, some other country has to show the U.S. the CORRECT way to do things? And then there is the country of Norway.....

  5. What is the difference in Police being held accountable by the Public than the Public being held accountable by the Police.

    No matter which group you fall in if you are doing no wrong then hold me accountable. What is wrong with that theory?

  6. All of these changes equated to one bottom line....more money. The cost to implement these things would be high. Who is willing to pay more in taxes? Thats what I thought. The police are supposed to be held accountable by the courts. Just because things don't go the way you think they should doesn't mean the officer was wrong. Many commenting here have no idea of what the laws are regarding the conduct of police officers. That is the rule rather than the exception. We watched an entire community burn to the ground because certain members of the community thought the police officer was wrong - then lo and behold!!!!! The officer was exhonerated. And even though he was found to have done his job properly...he still had to resign.

  7. With the way things are going Salisbury won't have a police force, duncan and her cronies are running everyone out of there. She won't be happy until she has completely destroyed this agency and then moved on to Salisbury university.

  8. I don't see how bogging the cops down with garbage will lower the crime rate. Everybody wants a get out of jail free card!


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