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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Capitol Police beg lawmakers to end their out-of-control parties

WASHINGTON (CNN) - Congressional law enforcement officials want to rein in the growing number of parties in the Capitol during the annual Memorial Day and July Fourth concerts, according to a letter from the U.S. Capitol Police Board that was sent to top congressional leaders earlier this month.

The letter cites security concerns, mounting overtime costs and an abundance of "coolers containing liquids" as prompting the need for action. It says the changes are needed "in light of the current heightened threat environment" and "to reduce the potential for a breach of decorum or conduct that could prove embarrassing to the Congress."

Authorities are concerned the parties, hosted by lawmakers, their staffs and organizers of a nationally televised concert and fireworks display, have grown out of control and potentially dangerous in recent years. During July Fourth celebrations last year the U.S. Capitol was overrun with heavy drinking party-goers. And it wasn't the first time the building was filled with drunken revelers wandering the historic hallways during patriotic celebrations.



  1. It just never ceases to amaze me at what 'authority' wants to take away from us. Is it really for your safety or is it, as I feel, to make their lives easier and us more compliant?

  2. Anonymous ginn said...
    It just never ceases to amaze me at what 'authority' wants to take away from us. Is it really for your safety or is it, as I feel, to make their lives easier and us more compliant?

    March 26, 2015 at 9:41 PM

    well at least one person gets it.


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