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Friday, March 20, 2015

But Councilman John Hall Said Our Economy Hasn't Gone Up Or Down For The Past 10 Years?

"we have not rebounded at all 
from the recession."

Said Senator Addie Eckardt in a recent interview

You just have to wonder, is someone lining the pockets of County Councilman John Hall over the past 10 years, since his economy hasn't changed up or down in the past 10 years? 


  1. I think he couldn't find his way out of a paper bag. He votes the way his wife tells him to.

    Can't believe no one stepped forward to run against him.

    Is he even smart enough to be embarrassed by that comment? I don't think so.

  2. Hall is in over his head. Prettyman always told him what to do on their smoke breaks. Without her feeding him what to say, he is venturing out on his own. Stand by for more off the wall comments.

  3. I hope he doesn't represent us at any meetings outside of the county. We already look bad enough without him opening his mouth.

  4. Shouldn't be in office if that stupid has he been under a rock?

  5. Can't believe no one stepped forward to run against him(John Hall on County Council).


    You can blame that on Dave Parker, John Palmer and a few of the lame Central Committee members for NOT putting anyone to run against them

    Another Dumb thing those clowns do is wait till after the Primary election before they support a candidate? WTF!! It is their job to find candidates for the election, not to support the deadbeats that won the Primary.

    In this case they knew this clown was questionable. In this case they knew his wife was Carolyn Hall, Democrat and close friend of the radical Homo Mare of Salisbury Jim Ireton.

    In another case they knew that Matt Holloway was a RINO trying to beat the system by getting government monies for some of his worthless properties.

    In another case they knew that Tom Taylor ran as a Democrat the last 2 elections against Rick Pollitt.

    In another case they knew that Muir Boda was a Libertarian who ran against Andy Harris in the Congressional Races. They also knew he was a deadbeat Libertarian who ran at least 4 previous unsuccessful races.

    So in the last election the At-Large County Council position was ran on the Republican Ticket with 3, I said 3 FAKE Republicans and the Central Committee did nothing about it but welcome them with open arms. Now look what we have on the County Council. John Cannon, Matt Holloway and John Hall. Three definite RINO's!

    Now the same Deadbeat Central Committee members have done absolutely nothing to recruit a good Republican to run for Mayor of Salisbury. Those Central Committee members have and continue to FAIL the registered Republicans of Wicomico County.

  6. Isn't he representing the Wicomico County Council in Annapolis on the Maryland Association of Counties?


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