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Wednesday, March 04, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Senate fails to override Obama Keystone veto

The Republican-led Senate fails to override President Obama's veto of a bill approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

From Fox News


  1. Our Country is so doomed....

  2. Still too many stupid voters electing liberal politicians!

    The spineless ones that we elected need to publicize what happened so we can start to get our country back from these socialists!

  3. Rublicans are scared to be called a racist if they take a stand. Impeachment is way passed due. Obama swore to stop the executive orders empowered by the presidents of the past. And then he named Bush . this man has more than all the presidents combined!

  4. 3:13 It would be nice, but republicans are too inept at getting anything done right now. They may as well be asleep.

  5. Joe, what was the vote count on this? Could you post more info on this, please.

  6. How is this POSSIBLE.

  7. ARREST obama and HOLDER for Treason.

  8. all of them r crooked

  9. Do it anyway the same way Obama ignores Congress they should ignore him.

  10. They have no honor they all lie/mislead us then make excuses that are just lies to themselves and us ,this is killing the USA !Transformation keep it

  11. "republicans are too inept at getting anything done right now. They may as well be asleep." The override requires a 2/3 majority. They don't have it, unfortunately. These are all democrats keeping the veto in place. Think about that next time somebody starts whining on here about how it doesn't matter who you vote for.


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