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Friday, March 13, 2015

'Bowel movement bandit' who pooped on 19 parked cars sought by Ohio police

AKRON, Ohio (WEWS) - Akron Police have quite a mess on their hands.

Officers are searching for someone they said has defecated on 19 parked cars in driveways since May 2012.

The bowel movement bandit strikes between 4 and 6 a.m. On Wednesday morning, a resident caught the suspect on film. She set up a camera after the seventh time that someone had pooped on her car while it was parked in her driveway.

One man said that the defecator has struck his car six times, and has even smeared it on his hood, door handles, gas tank cover, windshield and mirrors.



  1. LOL please start pooping on that idiot mayors car downtown by the government building. It states 'MAYOR".

  2. Did they check the data base to see if our local pooper moved to Ohio?

  3. He is taking a OBAMA.

  4. the poopatrator has struck again.

  5. Sounds like the "Deer Harbor Defacator" we had a few years back. Or Devonshire Defacator, take your pick!

  6. I think the jogger from a Salisbury neighborhood must have moved to Ohio ?

  7. This sounds like a person I knew in college. He was a sicko who would defecate on other people's belongings. He became a career pilot in the US Air Force. He would be in his sixty's now. Maybe this guy is his son.

  8. 3:13--
    Why, is public pooping in the genetic makeup? LMAO!

  9. This is taking police work to a new level, so when a cop complains that his job is "Crappy", it really is.


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