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Friday, March 13, 2015

Black Lives Matter?


  1. This says it all, doesn't it?
    Apparently, the black lives that matter are the ones that push an agenda.

  2. very apathetic on our part

  3. Gentlemen, thank you for your service and may your families find peace. God Bless.

  4. Shartscum Holder Obama where art thee????????????????????????????

  5. Make No Mistake=Black Lives ONLY Matter when they can attach a racial agenda to it. Blacks are killing each other in record numbers nationwide and if black lives truly mattered the country would be awash with protests 24/7.
    They are a dishonest people, who due to their dishonesty a sub culture within the race has regressed back to lawlessness.
    The problem festers because of useless groups like the NAACP whose members promote the lies.

  6. All lives matter, it is a shame these men died to help protect us. Worries me the only ones they report on the news are the ones that boost ratings and fuel the race fires.

  7. All lives matter but you don't see riots and cops being killed. when a white man is shot by a black cop. Blacks would be taken more seriously without all this racial bs.

  8. Why does Race always have to come into everything? Close your eyes and see if you can tell what race a person is. Everyone matters no matter what your race is. STOP playing the race card.We all bleed the same, we all hurt the same.They are not a different breed than white's. It matters what's on the inside not what color your skin is!

  9. Thank you for this post! RIP brothers!

  10. Creating babies you have no way of feeding or housing is disrespectful to life, but we don't hear much discouraging that.

  11. RIP, guys, & thanks for your service. Your lives mattered to some of us, just not the race-baiters.

  12. ALL lives matter. But not to all people.

    It doesn't matter the color of your skin or your occupation.

    People have been killed since Cain killed Abel. AND will continue to be so.

    Why are we more concerned with which member of a race killed another member of a different race, some cop killed versus some farmer killed, instead of the simple fact that SOMEONE was killed?

    And some family has had a piece of their heart ripped out of them?

    Enough already!

  13. Innocent black lives matter to white people while criminal black lives matter to black people. Support you local thugs!


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