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Thursday, March 26, 2015

A Letter To The Editor: "A Thought"

Joe, here’s a thought…

I lived in the Florida Keys for a dozen years, and I’ve never missed an election since I turned 18. When I went to my first republican primary election, there was basically no one to vote for. Democratic idiots ran the state. (1980’s). Either no republicans, or maybe one was running for a position, there was really no multiple challengers to choose between in the primaries. So, I had to switch my strategy and register as a Democrat so I could vote for the idiot most likely to lose the election , (the biggest idiot), so my Republican candidates at least had a chance, but in the end, the worst idiots of the Dems wound up elected anyway, being such a historically Dem state.

Migrating to Virginia, then Maryland, and registering to vote here, I was shocked and embarrassed to have the “Dem” label on me, because there are actually candidates of both persuasions to vote for here, so I dutifully removed myself from the “embarrassment list” and registered as GOP again so I could pick a less than a crook from a number greater than one.
Now, I find my strategy has backfired uncontrollably, and it’s all my fault. It seems that the Democrats have learned from those primaries that the only way to win a primary is to be a complete and total idiot moron. This is who I voted for so my guy would win. Because I and like- minded people in Dem controlled states have been repeated winners when they ran on the absolute worst platforms, they are now under the belief that this is what We, the People now want! They actually believe that the more left and stupider they get, the more votes they can hoard in!

It’s all my fault, and folks, I am truly sorry for this. I led them on. I encouraged this behavior. I was trying to be a good Republican and it blew up in my face. Hillary and Bill are my danged fault.

I hope someday you all can forgive me.


  1. I am an Independent and while I like the status I am appalled that Maryland doesn't let us vote in the primaries.

  2. All of this partisan Democrat vs Republican is one of the biggest issues with our country. Everyone is so focused on not being the other party they lose sight of what really matters, working for the PEOPLE and making things better. People are so dead set on opposing things just because "the other side" brought it forward that they don't even try and work things out to make it better.

    So far, in MD, Hogan seems to be working across party lines to get things done. I just hope the rest of the state, Democrats and Republicans alike, can learn to do the same thing and work together to bring our state back to the way it should be. This "Pick a side" mindset is destroying us, and makes us looks like a bunch of kids arguing in the schoolyard.

    I am a registered independent and have voted in every election since I turned 18 for both Democrats and Republicans, because those are just labels. What really matters is what they stand for, what they promise they will do for the people, and what they ACTUALLY DO. You can promise the world, but if you are too busy focusing on opposing things just to be "The Other Side" and not focusing on working together to make things better you will get nothing of value accomplished.

  3. 11:42, I'm with you. Registered as an 'Independent and not allowed to vote in primaries. I originally registered in PA, there I could declare my party on election day and vote in the primary, not in this Communist State!

  4. The Dems run the State. They will not allow the independents to vote in the primary. The Republicans for a short time in the late 1990's or early 2000's had persuaded the Dems, who run the State, to let the unaffiliated voters vote in the Republican primary, and in an election or two, the unaffiliated voters voted in the Republican primary. Then the Dems didn't like the fact that a lot of unaffiliated voters were now subconsciously "affiliating" with Republicans because of the primary voting. So, the Dems decided to either not renew that election provision or deleted it from the Election Code. Of course, the Republicans wanted to expand the provision for unaffiliated voters, but the Democrats have a super-majority in both houses and almost always have a Dem governor, so they can pretty much do what they want with that particular matter. So the Dems got rid of that election code provision. The essence of this comment is that, if you cannot vote in Maryland as an unaffiliated voter in the primary, blame the Democrats.


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