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Sunday, March 01, 2015

A Letter To The Editor: Giant Food Response


The other night I wrote a letter to the Corporate Office of Giant and it was forwarded to the Salisbury store manager. I for one am another one who is sick and tired of the homeless hanging out around Giant and Walgreens and refuse to go there without my husband accompanying me. I am sorry to say but in my letter I told Giant that they were now located in the wrong area as they had a homeless shelter located directly behind them and a Substance Abuse Center across the street and maybe they needed to relocate as the shopping center was going downhill fast and they were going to be losing their customers if something was not done. Listed below is the response that I just received from Giant’s store manager so apparently I got the attention of the right person in Giant’s Corporate Office and only time will tell if they truly care about the safety of their customers.

Giant Responds:

My name is Michael Hunt and I am the store manager at the Salisbury Giant. I received a copy of the email that you sent to the company about the issue with homeless around the building. I called our landlord and our corporate office to get a security company to have a presence on our property to try to curtail the issue. Hopefully in the near future you will see a big difference on the property. Thank you for letting me know of this issue so I can address this issue with the company. If there is anything else you need please feel free to contact me at the store. Thanks again


  1. First ......go somewhere else or shop during the day.
    Second ....really Michael hunt? Lol

  2. so the manager didnt know until the email? yeah right

  3. blah blah blah. I hate this new store manager. The store and the employees are all different since he took over. I have had a rain check for over a month waiting for an item to come in. Their excuse on Friday was that it was due to the snow. I wonder what the excuse was the other 3 weeks I was in there and it was not in stock. It's a constant problem for this store to keep things stocked. I stopped going there for about a year and went to Harris Teeter. If Harris Teeter is out of stock of something they will offer either a rain check or a substitute item. Giant says.....try tomorrow. Well not everyone lives 2 miles from the store! I have never had any issues with homeless when I shop there. My issue is with being anywhere or shopping anywhere in Salisbury at night.

  4. i don't know what everyone's problem with Giants i go food lion the meat is old and over priced, i go to Walmart the put a few cuts on top and hide the bad cuts under so you don't see it. ya Giants is a little more expensive but you get what you pay for. they do have a bonus card to help you save on prices. i have never had problem with homeless, or beggars i would shop Giants any time over any of the other food chains. for meat then go other places for my other stuff there is a old saying SHOP AROUND for the better deals. for people that don't live 2 miles from store. I've had the same problem in every store I've been in about being out of stock
    go to Kmart for an item and they always out of stock. so when i shop i plan for a day when i can shop around.

  5. I've never been approached by the homeless when I go to Giant. This has never been an issue that I was aware of. I usually go after dark.

  6. Anonymous said...
    so the manager didnt know until the email? yeah right

    February 23, 2015 at 12:43 PM

    I was thinking the same thing. I wonder if this who letter to the editor is a hoax. I know one of the managers at Giant is Bobby Shockley and I am not familiar with the so called Hunt guy.

    1. Bobby shockley is no longer there he is in long neck.

  7. These people that are claiming their isn't a problem with homeless people are blind. I am a city employee and we have been aware of the camp behind the store for years. We were told by the powers to be to leave it alone.

    Now every time I go to Giant I am approached by beggars.

    Every time I go to Rita's I am approached by beggars. My kids are afraid to go to Rita's because of the Homeless beggars.

    Now every time I go to the Cook Out or Arby's I am approached by this same black guy that approaches me at Giant and Rita's. That's how far these guys walk to beg. They go in the restaurant and sit down for a few minutes and then walk to someone they think will give them money. They have begged so long they can tell who will give them money.

    The homeless problem in Salisbury is real and they all have criminal records. Let me repeat this one more time, they all are CRIMINALS! This is a fact. Many have been released from ECI. They all are criminals with records.

  8. Food Lion's meat is "old"? I've never had a problem with their meats and definitely way better than Walmart. I worked at Food Lion for 4 1/2 years and never saw anything fishy about their meat handling and it came in fresh every day and the sales volume was high enough it never really had a chance to sit and become "old".

    1. Focus ppl. What in the hell does this have to do with the homeless around Giant Food?

  9. Sometimes all you need to do is ask.

  10. I thought Mark Rhodes was the store manager...who is Michael Hunt? Obviously, I haven't been paying that close attention to it. I have cut down on going to Giant as well because of the beggars. I ONLY shop during the day ANYWHERE in Salisbury!

  11. I used to work at the liquor store and I know this has been a problem for years. Those that didn't listen to me tell them they couldn't panhandle, I refused to serve them, I told a couple to get on their bikes and ride over to Pecan square! They weren't getting booze from that store as long as I was a manager! I called SPD so many times I have their non emergency # memorized, 410-749-5151

  12. Tbere has ALWAYS been a problem there i nearly got into it with a homeless guy there bad for buissness.

  13. I shop at Giant all the time. I have never had a problem with the homeless. I usually go during the day when the homeless have no shelters to go to. The shelters are usually open in the evening, but I have never had a problem.

  14. My wife and I have never had a problem at Giant with homeless people in the parking lot. We don't go together to shop and we shop whenever we want. We also have a good relationship with store employees and managers.

  15. Put your big boy and girl panties on. Just keep walking and don't pay attention to them. Geeze do you want Mike Hunt to hold your hand while you walk in too?

  16. I haven't had problems with Giant management. I always find them very polite, and helpful.

    I will give the benefit of the doubt to the store manager since this was sent to the corporate office and then forwarded back to the store. I think the real proof in responsiveness would have been to speak to the manager directly first, then if no help is forth coming, contact the corporate office.

    Just a note, corporate is changing their stores into the Washington/Baltimore model and they have taken away the store's managers ability to set the store the best way for their customers.

  17. Giant has the best employees. They are way above Walmart or Food Lion. Very friendly and helpful. Everyone complains about higher prices there which I really don't find, but even if they were, it's worth it to have good people working there. I'm not sure that Bobby Shockley is still there. Michael Hunt has been the manager for a while now.

  18. Giant Food is the best SBY has to offer. I am going to support them sticking around here. Theer isn't much in the way of alternatives.

  19. WalMart Sucks they crap om employees. Fioid Lion is owned by communist. I shop Giant and Harris Teeter nevr had an issue with either. Walmart has more convicts per square foot then the jail lol.

  20. The Fruitland Walmart is terrible.

    The store manager doesn't keep the store in stock. The store is dirty, and you really have to check the dates on dairy, meats, and canned foods.

    I feel sorry for the employees who are trying hard to earn a living. The manager doesn't seem too friendly to them from what I have observed.

    She could learn a valuable lesson, a sincere thank you goes a long way.

  21. If all of the homeless people are criminals, then it is very surprising that they are also "begging" in the first place, wouldn't you say? Also, can anyone verify that everyone who asks for help around Giant is "homeless"? Lastly, it says a lot about the extreme greed and selfishness of people who are "offended" at the sight of people who are not as fortunate as them. Such extreme judgement and their own sense of entitlement is disgusting and profoundly un-Christian...shame on them for viewing poor people/beggars as some group of subhumans...

  22. 1:53 you are a total MORON. NOT all of the homeless in Salisbury are criminals. One of my best friends was homeless in Salisbury for over 2 years. He was a veteran of the Navy. Worked for N.A.S.A. and Chesapeake Shipbuilding. He developed some health problems that made it almost impossible for him to continue working. While he was homeless he volunteered almost 50 hours a week at H.A.L.O. He had NO CRIMINAL RECORD and was probably more intelligent than you'll ever dream of being. My point is simply don't stereotype the homeless because you fear them. That is a sure sign of ignorance not intellect.

  23. Giant hasn't been the same since Bill DiPaola retired as store manager. I never used to have to check expiration dates, etc. like I do now. They are more expensive, but their meats are worth it. There are beggars at 7-11, Wawa, all over the place. Why can't our police do something about this?

  24. Giant is by far the best grocery store on the lower shore. We regularly make the trip up from Crisfied to pick up things you just can't get at Food Lion. And our Food Lion is really nice, clean and friendly. As to beggars, the only time I've been asked for money outside the Giant is at Christmas time when the Salvation Army is filling the kettle. I gladly contribute every time.

  25. I prefer Super Fresh, but those dumb a---s closed the store. Harris Teeter? How much time and gas are you out going clear over there? Unless you don't live in SBY that is. The Fruitland Food Lion is better than the mug me now Snow Hill rd location. Wal-Mart never has the produce out early, the aisles are clogged with displays, and perfectly healthy fat people are riding around like the Kings and
    Queens of Siam or something on the go carts WM provides. Then they leave them out in the parking lot while they hop up in their lifted F350s and go home. The parking lot at Giant is a menace to society, the beggars don't come near me, they can tell they ain't getting squat. The store is nice, and the staff is union so of course they are happy.

  26. So you want them to move the store because your afraid of the homeless person outside? Classic

  27. I haven't had a problem at Giant. I shop there regularly. Today, for instance.

  28. Everywhere you go in Salisbury you finder people begging. I can't get into Sam's club without have a begger on Route 13 begging for money. Every intersection in Salisbury has a begger.I don't think its a problem isolated to just Gisnt Food, its everywhere. I was in Beverly Hills a few months ago and guess what!! They are begging in the street there to. Its the times we are living in, People would rather live off the government and beg in the streets instead of working. Just lock yourself in your house and order your food from Peapod or Amazon,. and you won't have to see what our society is coming to. Or you can just contact our present Administration and I am use we will adapt a new social program that they can fit into.

  29. I wrote the note earlier about a person approaching me for money in the Giant Parking lot. This was before 10 a.m. in the morning. I have been approached before in the same parking lot but was not bothered at that time. This guy was clearly not well and acting desperate. He did frighten me ...but then I am a senior and feel more vulnerable than most of you on here I guess.

    I am glad to hear Giant is addressing the issue and I hope they are able to solve the problem because I do love shopping there. I really missed the Giant that closed in the north end of town but I still drive the extra miles to go to Giant because they are worth the trip.

    I hope that Halo and Giant can be in the same neighborhood with no further problem because Halo is a life line to so many people. I think everyone knows that this is a problem that can be solved and it is time for Giant to make that happen.

    I have no plan to stop shopping Giant unless things get worse. In the meantime I will do my shopping in the morning and keep my eyes wide open. Giant always asks customers if they would like help out with their groceries and I think that is one thing I may start doing from now on. I'm sure Giant will be glad to help me and I no longer wish to write a comment that stirs up so much conflict. I don't want to see Giant close and I certainly don't want to feel that vulnerable again.

  30. It really doesn't limit the beggars from only Giant, they are all over town, Nanticoke Rd food lion, Walmart north and south, and we don't have to mention Nick and the others standing in the road with their signs! This is not only a Giant problem, it's a major problem in this town. These people saying they never see them, OK why don't you send your kids alone to the store, no problems right?

  31. 3:00pm
    When you email them it goes to corporate and they forward it. There is no option to send it directly to the store.

    Mark Rhodes used to be the manager but it has been a few years since he was sent to another store. Things have NOT been the same since.

  32. I hope this isn't like a stoplight issue. It takes a death in an intersection before they will put up a light. If panhandling has become so overwhelming we need to protect out vulnerable population from them. I applaud the efforts of the police and I suggest that store maintain paid staff to keep an eye on parking lots. Salisbury isn't a small town any longer. We have big city crime now.

  33. We need a good super market in the North end. Walmart is a JOKE, full of Gary Larson people.

  34. Anonymous said...
    My wife and I have never had a problem at Giant with homeless people in the parking lot. We don't go together to shop and we shop whenever we want. We also have a good relationship with store employees and managers.

    February 23, 2015 at 2:43 PM

    Some lying Libtard made this comment.

  35. It is for these reasons I won't go there unless I can be out by 4 pm.

  36. I travel quite a bit and have to say the homeless is not isolated to Salisbury or the Eastern Shore. While out in San Diego recently the homeless lined the streets like if a parade was coming. I have never seen anything quite like it. When I lived in Houston Texas it was the same. It is reality and it isn't going away anytime soon. All the police can do is to keep these people moving fromm intersection to intersection.

  37. Maybe the Shelter (HALO) should encourage its guests to stay on site. They wander off to drink, drug, and smoke. It's the whole of the shopping center that's affected; from Ritas to Barbs to Giant. For most businesses in that neighborhood. the presence of the shelter is threat to the stability of the area.

  38. There has been a sea-change in employees and management at the Giant store over the last two years. Part of it seems to be corporate's way of culling the more senior employees and replacing them with too young employees who are not up to PAR in providing the type of service and support that Giant's customers have historically been given.

    It's easy enough to see the effects of management's cost savings; the check out clerks are not attentive to detail, play with their phones, carry on conversations with others at the registers, avoid eye contact with the customers, etc.

    But Giant is a real step up from WALMART Fruitland...that's the dregs when it comes to groceries.

  39. 8:58-Just a side note here...understanding that disheveled vagrants are obviously more threatening visually than school children, what's the difference in the homeless asking for money and EVERY LIVING CAUSE on the planet hitting you up for fund raiser donations outside of Wal-Mart and Sam's? Seriously, that is very annoying.

  40. 2:43-Because like myself you and your wife live your lives without daily fear.I can tell by reading the comments that a lot of people are paranoid and expecting a bad experience as soon as they pull into the parking lot.If everyone they encounter looks suspicious and dangerous,perception has become their worst enemy.

  41. There are homeless people everywhere in Salisbury! Not just limited to Giant Food.. They hang out at convenience stores, grocery stores, and in the middle of highways. I am offended that anyone would blame the store manager who clearly addresses the issue. He addresses the customer and then reports the issue to corporate for a solution to his customers concern. The Salisbury Police should be riding through there and addressing this problem along with the other establishments who are known to have these beggars on their properties. Shame on those who blamed the Store Manager at Giant when the e-mail clearly shows his attempt to address the problem. Mr. Hunt I commend your action.

  42. If you want to address the root problem of the homeless and addiction centers contact peer connection. They are a division of go getters. They bring addicts to the area,put them in their program. Then when they fail out of it they kick them out and into our streets. That's where the bulk of our homeless come from. Instead of doing their civic duty as a citizen of salisbury and send these addicts back where they came from they dump them on our streets.

  43. I am a long term resident of Salisbury and also an employee of Giant in Salisbury.
    You must admit that Salisbury has changed drastically from what it was 20 years ago but I believe more police involvement will help curtail the beggars in the South Salisbury area of town. Halo is a good organization and means well. However it resides directly behind Giant and I, for one, have seen a drastic increase in the amount of beggars and loitering around the store. Giant has addressed this issue in the past with meetings with spd and it helped but seems to be getting bad again.
    A few items I would like to clarify:
    Mr. Shockley has not been in the Salisbury Giant for years.
    Mark Rhodes was moved to another Giant store.
    Michael Hunt is the new store Manager.
    Giant cannot oversee the parking lot at all times therefore you can/will be approached by homeless at times asking for money. (How often has this happened to you IN the store where more employees are?)
    If you feel uncomfortable in any way going to your car, every cashier will ask if you need help outside-say YES!!!
    We pride ourselves in being the best in Salisbury and rely on our customers for positive as well as negative feedback so we can try to correct what needs to be corrected.
    With that being said the letter above went to our VP of Giant and we were given permission to immediately call spd regarding any incident (whether it be beggars, homeless, theft, loitering, solicitation) occurring in our store or parking lot.
    Spd has been extremely supportive and, I believe, does the best they can with what they have.
    If you see any activity, please do not turn a blind eye and report it to the person in charge so that we can rectify the situation.
    I feel the pan handling problem is worse with women whom are older or by themselves and shopping later in the evening. Pan handlers see them as being more vulnerable. If this is your case, park under a light and ACCEPT the help out to your car!
    I feel I've written enough but, after reading some of the comments, felt I had a right to speak my own thoughts as well. I take it somewhat personal being at Giant for such a long time.
    Again, if you see something odd-report it immediately!!

  44. Just say no or ignore them and keep walking. Problem solved.

  45. Giant has never been the same since it was sold a few years ago. Use to always find what ever you wanted in there now very poor selection.

  46. Lets not blame Giant for the homeless in the parking lot. Giant has been at that location long before the halo homeless shelter came to the building behind the giant.

  47. Doesn't like homeless people around and complains to get them shuffled out of sight. Guess shes not big into Jesus.

  48. I was in Giant on Friday at about 4:30pm. I did notice a no loitering sign on the door as I went in. I have never been approached in the store or outside the store by anyone. I have noticed an attitude change with the employees with this new manager though.

    I have been approached a few times in Walmart in Salisbury by people trying to sell gift cards or wanting cash because they are out of gas. It hasn't happened often but I don't go there often either.

  49. Mike Hunt doesn't mind the homeless

  50. I haven't been to Giant in over 14yrs and this was a problem back then. Nothing new.

  51. How about we address the issue with the homeless i.e lack of services available to them, lack of jobs in the area, the few shelters we have in the area are almost aways full even if they get in our county lack supportive services to help them get back on their feet while they are there. I never had a homeless person approach me in a way that I felt threatened in this area. Salisbury citizens should give off their high horses and do something to help fix the homeless problem instead of complaining they cant be bothered


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