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Friday, March 20, 2015

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 3-20-15

I've been told that many of the major business leaders, attorneys and other downtown players are not happy with how the council behaved on Tuesday. Just hope they will make their feelings known to the council and not just to their friends and family.

Publishers Notes: I've been told the same. It's a shame these COWARDS who are expected to be respected as astute business people are so afraid of their own shadows. 

Isn't it amazing what the former Mayor did to turn men into wussies through retaliation and now we have one as the current Mayor. ALL of them are too afraid to show up at Council Meetings. ALL of them are too afraid to state their disgust in public. Heck, my guess is that most of them don't have PERMISSION from their spouses to go out on a week night to attend one of these meetings. 

Yeah, there are very few of us real men left who aren't afraid to stand up for what we believe in. No wonder Salisbury is turning into "Rainbow City". 


  1. Lol good point, this town county country is becoming pussafied and run by COWARDS .

  2. I guess these men need us women to show we are stronger.

  3. People I talk to are shaking that heads over council vote too. Even retired teacher friends of mine are talking about the costs of school construction being ridiculous!

    1. Joe please expose who is getting that contract AGAIN $$$$$$ and who is connected to it ? I bet u see some council members.

  4. This is a sad state of affairs. If the business leaders and others support Culver, they need to speak up.

  5. I don't understand what the council doesn't get about THE PEOPLE voted for change. Six Republicans and what change have they shown us? The business community, other professionals and other citizens should all be upset by their vote.

  6. maybe if there's enough of an uproar they will re-visit this issue.

    Are there enough un-wussified taxpayers out there who will speak up?
    Or are you scared of the rainbow mafia calling you names?

  7. Joe,
    Maybe you should make it clear that it's the county council you're posting about here, not the city council.

  8. lMAO. You folks voted these a-holes into political office. You get what you voted for. Now deal with it. lMAO.

  9. 12:54 - they are better than what your party had to offer. Had to choose between bad and worse.

  10. Anonymous said...
    lMAO. You folks voted these a-holes into political office. You get what you voted for. Now deal with it. lMAO.

    March 20, 2015 at 12:54 PM

    Must be a Democrat


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