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Sunday, March 01, 2015

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 2-24-15

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " IRVING JONES III SENTENCED TO 35 YEARS IN PRISON F...":

I was there at court watching this trial. These facts aren't accurate at all. The car was stopped for stopping on a white line. No drugs were found in his possession but in the pants of a girl. The driver of the car wasn't there to testify or even charged. This man was convicted because his money was sorted in order and had a past conviction of drugs. Not to mention the 11 white jurors one black and a black alternate. And his public defender Sandra freid is a joke. A real lawyer would've busted this out of the water. And finally the judge who retires in a couple months Honorable Jackson....never took his eyes off the computer. An objection was yelled and a huh what over ruled without explanation. The law failed this man. He was convicted of assumptions and not facts. Oh the scales weren't on him either. In a closed box in a missing drivers car. Not saying he wasn't a dealer. Probably was. But the law failed in this case.


  1. that's it play the race card. so sick of people never taken responsibility for anything

  2. The prosecution had the burden of proof. Sounds like they utterly failed. I hope he is able to appeal.

  3. Race card is the last refuge of the scoundrel.

  4. A competent judge knows what the objection is without explanation, assuming the attorneys are competent, as well. A REALLY competent judge knows when an attorney has missed out on a chance to object. You don't learn law by watching TV.

  5. The jury has spoken. One less to worry about. Next Please !

    1. I hope one day you find yourself railroaded by our criminal, justice system... Ya catch that?

  6. Im sure he was innocent. Come on, he got 35 years. Im sure you are leaving stuff out. No way he was convicted with no evidence. Also, you played the race card first thing. Way too early. Already lost interest in your point of view with race card.

    1. The person who contributed this is a white man who I know has a race issue. Trust me when I say this isn't a race card. This is about the justice system. The person may not care for blacks. One thing for sure is he cares about our country and its citizens and the rights and freedoms we still have left. Wicomico would be happy with lynch mobs.

  7. This mat or may note be true, but one truth for sure the "honorable"Jackson couple not judge his way out of a paper bag.

  8. You get what you pay for! Oh that's right he had a free lawyer.

  9. Obama said you cannot lock up Black People....b/c of Slavery...

  10. Wow.......this sounds like a comment by a liberal defense attorney. First, the public defender of whom you speak is quite capable. I've seen her do a tremendous job freeing scumbags who should have been jailed......much like one we've seen......never mind. That's anpther story.. Anyway, there is much more to the story. Money stacked and separated is textbook drug dealing practice. Those who are experts in the field know this. This was a much stronger case than what this commenter is leading you all to believe. I can assure you that if it wasn't, this defense attorney would have torn it to pieces.

    1. I'm sure. See likes dating her clients.

    2. Sandy used to date her thug clients. Ask her about Joe Petrovski ! And how she and her thug boy friend sent an innocent man to jail!

  11. To the original poster -
    From what school did you earn your law degree?

  12. If so many black people hadn't been convicted of felonies then perhaps there could be more blacks on any given jury.


  13. Can't comment on this case; wasn't there.

    But judge mentioned, as an attorney, missed on numerous occasions to object on behalf of his clients in non-criminal cases, to their disadvantage, when he should have objected.

  14. You know what they say, where there is smoke, there is fire!!!

  15. 6:38 I believe there is more to this story too, but about your comment about the money being stacked from where in the original post did you come up with that. There isn't any mention of stacked money. The only mention is:
    "This man was convicted because his money was sorted in order and had a past conviction of drugs."
    In my wallet my money is sorted in order as I'm sure the money in 75% of wallets is.

    1. That commenter was one of the Cops that testified. Its how they stated it. And I'm white. Stacked. Cop also said this man wasnt moving around yet two walmart bags were found in the girls pants who was the only one moving in the car. And state says thus man forced her to stash it. Then why didnt he move around if he is forcing her ? Not a lawyer. Just there to testify for another case. Sat there all day long watching this. The defender was worthless. The other lawyers in the court were in utter disbelief. I know he was guilty. I'm not saying he wasn't. But the coos testimony and the facts with another person missing, the driver at that.....my statements to testimony are fact. It is what was said. And since when does a traffic violation give warrant to search? The cop immediately pulled her out. They were watching and wanted him. Point blank. Truth is if they want you they'll get you. I saw how the law failed this man. The jury should feel ashamed. Plenty of reasonable doubt. This was assumption.

    2. 12:38.....they were likely watching...yes. But they probably didn't have probable cause at that point. Then the driver committed a traffic violation. It may have been a pretext stop but totally legal. Then as the traffic stop was initiated the movement of the passengers caused the officers to believe they may have been retrieving a weapon. It's called RAS. permissible under Terry v Ohio. I'm sorry you aren't knowledgable in the finer points of the law but that's what police officers are trained to be. They must if they want to make good cases and stay alive.

    3. Only person moving around was the passenger. And regardless of moving a cop has no right to search over a traffic stop. Period! So what people moving. What if someone dropped a cigarette or their phone as they are being pulled over? Assume it is a gun and pull the people in the car out at gun point? No officer. You pit your big boy britches out And do your so called dangerous job and not violate a persons rights just so you can feel safer. Rely on your training like the old timers wait for back up just in case and write your money making ticket! Or is that how coos are trained nowadays? Screw rights. The sheeple care less for them now.

  16. I wrote this in the ORIGINAL post

    "CDS possession- Narcotics carries a lot of time in jail... This man had a lot of time with a prior conviction of heroin. However, it does not indicate if he was already on Probation, in which if he was, could have an impact on this sentence.

    If you cant do the crime, dont do the time. Drugs dont have no purpose in the community..

    And before the race card is thrown.. I'm a black man FYI"

    And I stand by what I have written.

  17. SBY police can feel good one less thug to arrest over and over again for next 35 years.
    Thanks Judge, I am feeling safer already.

    1. MSP. Not sby. They shuttle shoplifters.

  18. Thug or not. Our Rights are Our Rights, when they are abused or eroded we all lose. Personally I don't care if people deal or use drugs. Eventually they kill themselves and that's one less loser my tax money will be wasted on. I would rather my taxes be used to keep the roads in good repair and clear of ice and snow rather then the money being wasted on a bunch of cops trying to make a name busting druggies. But I'm sure there will be a bunch of self righteous individuals that will argue with that.

    1. I agree. We are losing our rights. People like this jury didn't look at facts. They saw a previous dope dealer and convicted him. Period. Poor little white girl testifying couldn't have taken a deal and blamed this guy. Where is the driver? That alone has me suspicious.

  19. Hey judge please keep throwing the book at the Thugs everyday until you leave.
    Thank you.

  20. Anonymous said...
    The jury has spoken. One less to worry about. Next Please !

    February 24, 2015 at 5:49 PM


  21. Anonymous said...
    This mat or may note be true, but one truth for sure the "honorable"Jackson couple not judge his way out of a paper bag.

    February 24, 2015 at 6:04 PM

    Aw! Did he put you away?

    1. The judges illiterate kid to the rescue!

  22. Anonymous said...
    Hey judge please keep throwing the book at the Thugs everyday until you leave.
    Thank you.

    February 24, 2015 at 9:27 PM

    I agree. Maybe the original poster will be next.

  23. Bye Felicia! Regardless who's crap it was, the Xanax and the Fentanyl, he shouldn't have been with people who I am sure he knew dealt the stuff. He is just as guilty even if it wasn't his. NEXT.

  24. do a case search and look at his sheet

  25. This wasn't his first rodeo.

  26. You are responsible for the contents of your vehicle and the contents of you passengers' pockets - whether you own the vehicle not. Mama always said, "you are the company you keep." If the law started making decisions based on the ownership of vehicles and who has the drugs/guns on them then guess what - every criminal out there would be driving their mama's, girlfriend's, friend's and rental cars so they can claim that they didn't know the stuff was in the car. You know, the whole "it's not mine, I don't know where it came from" speech. They would also hire or recruit scapegoats to carry drugs or guns to take the fall when they get pulled over. Good criminals aren't dumb, in fact, they are rather smart in many cases. They know how the law works and use loop holes to their advantage. The real problem is that we have liberal laws and judicial system that allow crimes to go unpunished. I see far too often that a case is thrown out because a certain technicality despite the fact that the crime was indeed proven, but somebody screwed up along the way to proving such. Somebody could murder a person in cold blood directly in front of an entire police force, the judge and jury and walk away from the courthouse a free man simply because somebody at some point during the arrest, prosecution or conviction failed to do something or did it in the wrong order which violated the rights of the suspect. Meanwhile, a body lays dead on the ground without justice. Happens ALL THE TIME! The judicial system is so damn concerned about protecting the rights of EVERYBODY that it neglects the rights and justice for the victims and society in general.

    They send repeat offenders back to the streets with a slap on the wrist everyday. Meanwhile, the less than harden criminals, such as college kids that get popped with a bag of weed, get the book thrown at them to "make an example" out of them. I'm not saying that these kids don't deserved to be punished; they do, but we need to start equally enforcing the law and adequately consider previous convictions during sentencing. There is not reason why we should be wasting our judicial resources and policing resources over and over again on the same criminals that keep getting put back on the street. It's not even like the 3 strikes and your out scenario anymore - more like 27 outs and the game is over, but you still have 2 more games in the series to play...

    I'm glad this guy is locked up - I would like to see more following him!

    1. What? Responsible for others? I do enough of that at tax time! I stopped reading your book after that!

  27. Good work Judge & Jury ..Lock the thugs up! One less crack head on the streets Book Em...And to You Race crying welfare collectors , You don't like our Judges and juries..Move outta here,,,Lets clean up Salisbury and take back the ole fashion country way that it used to be instead of all ghetto.

  28. In my opinion there should be no one in jail for victimless crimes. Our justice system is broken and it is young blacks who pay the price.

  29. I agree that true "victimless crimes" such as simple possession of pot, shouldn't be overfilling our prisons and judicial system. But to say it's black males that pay the price is ridiculous, when whites are sentenced and "pay the price" as well. Actually, all U.S. taxpayers "pay the price" for our government's greedy "drug war".


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