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Friday, March 13, 2015

2 expelled from Md. school over sex assault allegations

BALTIMORE (AP) – School officials say two University of Maryland-Baltimore County students have been expelled following an investigation into allegations that a female student was gang-raped on campus.

The investigation was prompted by a complaint from a female student that she was gang-raped by four male students in a dorm room, but was so drunk she couldn’t remember what happened.

The students admitted to having sex with the female student, but maintained that it was consensual.



  1. Any female that gets that drunk can and should expect ANYTHING to happen. Doesn't absolve the males of responsibility, but pinpoints the STUPIDITY of too many people.

  2. 11:52 drunk does not mean ok because she couldn't consent. you need a firm YES or else its a definite NO. You can not take advantage of someones mental capacity at the time (drunk) and claim that she gave consent because she was not of sound mind.

  3. 1:49 - You can't just make up your own rules.

  4. Does it make any difference if the boys are stoned drunk too??? This excuse can work both ways.

  5. Maybe it's just time for people to start acting responsibly..on both sides. I'm not condoning anything or saying "she asked for it" but 11:52 is halfway right. ANYONE who gets so drunk that they are incapable of making decisions/choices should expect bad things to happen. It's time to stop looking to blame anything and everyone for our own stupidity and grow up.

    On a semi-related note...this is probably a number of the students (from a post a couple of days ago) that will also default on their student loans.

    1. Well said. $45,000 a year in tuition to get sh!t faced then cry waaaah?

  6. Things like this shouldn't happen. People should have the common decency to not do the wrong thing when the opportunity arises. BUT...they do happen. All too often And we know it. So why knowing this would anyone still put themselves at risk by drinking to the point of unconsciousness? While she has my sympathy I can't help but ask well what did you expect?

  7. 3:19 - Just curious-what half of 11:52 is not right??

  8. When I was in College, a girl coming to a guys dorm room for a party was there knowing full well she was going to be having sex with at least one of us. If she passed out drunk, well, then every guy that wanted a go at her did. This is why good girls came in a group and never got wasted. Every college has "Party Girls", they were the girls that got drunk and laid at every party. Future Democrat's.

  9. The old "She wanted it" defense. Let's see where that gets them.


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