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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Why Are Americans Confused About Obama's Religion?

Fresh from a controversy over his views on evolution, Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker is now involved in a controversy over his views, or lack of them, on President Obama's religion. On Saturday, two Washington Post reporters asked Walker, in the nation's capital for a governor's meeting, whether Obama is a Christian. Walker said he didn't know.

Informed by the reporters that Obama is in fact a Christian, Walker replied, "I've actually never talked about it or I haven't read about that," protesting that the president's religion is not a topic of great interest to voters. "I would defy you to come to Wisconsin. You could ask 100 people, and not one of them would say that this is a significant issue," Walker told the Post.

Nevertheless, the story created at least a minor explosion in the political press, and Democrats quickly used it to attack a Republican who has recently risen to the top tier of the GOP 2016 presidential field.

But when it comes to confusion, or wrong information, about Obama's religion, Scott Walker is far from alone. Polls have long shown many Americans know little about the president's faith.

Some would argue that, while yes, many in the public don't know the president's religion, certainly Scott Walker, the governor of a state, should know. But Walker's answer to the reporters' question just reflects a broader public puzzlement over Barack Obama's faith — a phenomenon that he helped perpetuate and, at this late date in his presidency, seems unlikely to go away.

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  1. Rudy spoke truth to power and everyone get their panties in a wad. Get over it.

    As for how the presidential contenders should reply; "only the president knows this; now let's get serious about the upcoming election with issues that matter". Reagan would have done this by just making the interviewer look silly by asking the question and making him move along to another Serious topic.

  2. Why does america care about anyones religion? Personal beliefs are just that-personal.

  3. I'm not confused at all, his actions show where his loyalties lie....with islime - whose holy book espouses lying to achieve and maintain power! He has shown his willingness and expertise at deception.

  4. 10:43 - if your personal beliefs don't agree with islimic terrorists it can cost your life!

    Maybe you don't care - but watching these islimes kill others over religion bothers me!

    Daesh be damned!

  5. I bought a book of islam called the kuran , I burned it in the parking lot of walmart.


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