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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

WH may snub largest annual gathering of pro-Israel Americans

The White House confirmed on Monday that President Barack Obama doesn't plan to attend the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's conference next week, held annually in Washington, D.C., and that no cabinet-level U.S. official is currently scheduled to make an appearance.

The 'largest gathering of America's pro-Israel community,' according to the confab's organizations, AIPAC draws a crowd of roughly 14,000 attendees, many of whom are of Jewish heritage.

The last time Obama showed up at the conference was in 2012 as he stared down reelection. Typically, a high-level administration official represents the U.S. at the mass gathering.

But this year, supporters of Israel, a close ally of the U.S., may not receive that courtesy from the administration with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu set to make an in-person appearance.



  1. Another action showing his islimist supporting tendencies!

  2. Way past time for Israel to take action. This WH will never grow a set.

  3. If it were a Muslim gathering he would be there. Wake the Hell up folks.

  4. this president and the dems are anti-Semites. are you surprised?

  5. He wouldn't go to Franc following the Islamic terror attack either. Valerie Jarrett wouldn't let him go.

  6. Is he crazy? The Israeli government needs to know how our country really feels. We love Israel! They our a great asset to us and the world. God bless them.

  7. As Gomer would say; SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE.
    Obama and no cabinet members will attend surprises somebody?
    Would a Muslim, Muslim sympathizer or a supporter of Sharia law be out of place?
    Israel Community knows he lies and is not a friend of Israel.


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