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Sunday, February 22, 2015

WBOC WeatherMEN Claim 5" But Most Women Would Say More Like 3"

When you look at the second picture it's pretty clear to me we didn't get 5" of snow. We certainly didn't get 6 to 12" as we all reported we might expect. 

OK WOMEN, how many inches did you get and where?


  1. My husband says 12 inches in Nanticoke , with the way I measure , it's more like 6 inches.
    He seems to stretch it a bit when it comes to measuring some things in inches.

  2. We got 6 inches of snow at our place in Parsonsburg.... and it's still snowing! :-)

  3. How come you don't want men to comment on this?

  4. 7:54, Joe is giving all of us a much needed laugh this morning. There is a joke that women are bad at math because for years they've been told something three inches long is actually six inches. I'm sure you can figure out what the something is. The implication is that women would not exaggerate the depth of the snowfall this morning.

  5. I have a solid ten incher....um I mean inches....here in Snow Hill...but it's whatever.

  6. About 8 inches at my place in Crisfield. I would say about the same at work in Princess Anne.

  7. Satterfield said his numbers were conservative, (6-10") and other reports were saying much more, he said. He also said WE were in the very heart of the major portion of what will fall from this storm.

    While WBOC likes to claim it is very difficult to predict ALL weather forecasts here, Salisbury News is going to continue to call them out as PROFESSIONALS being PAID to bring us proper expectations. ESPECIALLY on a local level.

    Mr. Draper, perhaps you could save a couple million by simply using what the Weather Channel delivers because your reputation is dwindling like the Daily Times.

    While we're at it, are you going to report on the hanging in Salisbury, or do you prefer to cover up such stories because it hurts too many Liberals to see such a thing? Remember Vietnam? Remember the broadcasts back then. Remember the citizen in China being run over by the TANK? I'd bet quite a bit you broadcasted that back in the day and that was a suicide. But when it happens in SALISBURY, OH MY, NOOOOO! Did WBOC cover Whitney Houston or her Daughter???

    I'm starting to believe the local black community is right.

  8. 4.5" in the town of Delmar

  9. Not to get off of subject but WBOC and WMDT have the same headline on their websites. The articles are word for word.

  10. Are we talking subs or snow?

  11. 5-3/4" on the Westside of Salisbury.

  12. 6.25 inches. 4 miles east of Delmar.

  13. 8" in south salisbury

  14. 8"+ east of Princess Anne

  15. It is hard to tell because of the blowing wind causing drifts but my guess about 6"-7" in West Ocean City.

  16. I got my 8" last night here!..Just saying

  17. 11:05 2" x 4 times = 8"? Congrats

    8+" West Side, Best Side.

  18. Get over it bunch of ESP.

  19. Has anyone else ever noticed how sad Satterfield actually looks and sounds when he doesn't get the weather forecast right?

    I don't hear Brian, and Mike make excuses. They report what they see on their intel. But Satterfield, boy, he really drama's up everything and most of the time, he's the one that's wrong. Not so for Brian and Mike. So, my point is why do they have Satterfield? The other two gentlemen usually get the forecast right on the money! Satterfield always tells us how hard it is to forecast the weather, the other two don't make excuses. They report, you decide.


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