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Sunday, February 15, 2015


Barb's Hallmark store next to Giant is closing as well as Fran's Appliances store. These are both businesses that have been around for a long time. 


  1. I love Frans, sad to hear the news, she is a nice lady and will discount if you are nice. Hope she re-opens somewhere else, maybe the rent was to high?

  2. The continuing Obamanation of America. His goal is death of the middle class and businesses associated with it. I know some O loving fool will come on here and say "Oh yeah blame everything on Obama". His socialist/communist economic policies are causing trickle down poverty, so yes what you are seeing is indirectly caused by your buddy.

  3. I do support helping the homeless, however, the neighborhood has went downhill since Halo has so many that prefer to beg instead of work. Good place to open a liquor store, oops, been there, done that.

    1. "The neighborhood has went down hill"...?
      You might be right.

  4. Much of what is happening to the area can be attributed to immigration policy and welcoming illegals with open arms.
    They have to find a place to live, so they end up sucking up all the affordable housing.
    Going to Giant is like being in a third-world country.
    I can certainly imagine why Hallmark is closing there, though it may be under pressure from Giant so they can take that space for expansion.
    You'll recall how they drove Beijing out to take their space.
    I remember the lady who owned the restaurant was in tears.

  5. Another one is closing. I'm not at liberty to say which one just yet. They are moving out to the county so it won't be bad for the employees. BTW-these are employees who are paid above 20 bucks an hour so a few businesses will be hurt like food places where these people get lunch. The reason I was given for the move was that "the owner is sick of Salisbury."
    It's also going to leave another vacant building as the business leased the property.

  6. I go to Giant a few times a week and at different times. I have never seen anyone begging. I think what Halo is doing is a good thing. The homeless need a place to eat and sleep while many of them try to get their feet back on the ground. Where would you suggest they put them? Somewhere in the country so they can't use public transportation to find a job?

    I think the entire city of Salisbury has gone downhill in the past few years. I don't think Halo has anything to do with it. I think it shows just how hard it is for some people.

  7. Thanks Walmart and Best Buy!

  8. I understand the Barb's Hallmark in the Twilley Center will remain open.

  9. Fran is no longer a young woman, retirement maybe? Always did me right.

  10. 12:21--

    What color is the sky where you're from? Most of your comments have nothing to do with this article. I have shopped at Giant for a very long time, have never seen the scene you're describing. Matter of fact,I am rolling up on 50 YO & my baby food came from there! As far as Barb's is concerned, most people I know don't have the funds left over after bills to buy things that are not needs, vs.wants.

  11. I am at Giant a lot. I never ever see illegals begging, so don't go there.

    You know exactly what type of person is begging and it is getting old! I wish giant would move to another area.

  12. I hate to see Hallmark closed. I liked shopping there instead of going to Twilley Ctr. also the staff of Hallmark's near the Giant are always so friendly and helpful.

    While I agree Halo does provide a needed service for the population, I have noticed many people milling around that didn't use to be there. People hanging around the bank, Rite Aid, the shopping center and it does cause alarm when they are walking through the parking lot looking into cars, and asking for money. It is scary.

    I think a much better place for Halo would have been on the bus route out on Rte. 50 or at the Social Service building across from Wor Wic. Services would provide vouchers if they didn't have money to ride the bus.

    At night there are many of them milling around the local neighborhoods and it is unsafe.

  13. 12:25 There is always a lot of homeless around Giant. My wife works there and she is always scared for her life when she has to leave at 10 - 12 am and go to her car.

    Giant will send a bag boy out with her but what is some pimply face kid going to do if or when some thug brandishes a weapon on them that time of night ?

    Often there are beggers hanging around the ATM at M&T at the end of that shopping center.

    Its amazing how many times I have been approached by someone with the same old story that their mother is really sick in Baltimore and they need a bus ticket to get to be with her. Oddly that same line has been used by several different people over the last few years.

    Giant does try to keep the homeless away from the store entrances but they still linger close by. I have even seen Giant workers on break having a smoke and was harassed by homeless people to save some of the cigarette for them of for change.

    The homeless guy with the cowboy hat that likes to sit near the entrance so he can plug in his cell phone cracks me up.

    Talk about the changes in Homeless over the years. To see a homeless person chatting away on his smartphone is just so odd compared to how it was before.

    Bottom line there is homeless in the shopping center, hanging around the stop signs on the way in and out of the center and also all around the bank.

    Its not safe for anyone in that area at night let alone a young woman trying to get to her car.

  14. I was told that Barb's is closing due to a proposed exorbitant rent increase. Well done, landlords! I wonder how long the space will stand empty.

    As to the homeless: I agree with 12:25. I'm at Giant three times a week and I haven't seen panhandling in a long time.

  15. WOW and no one said it's the mayors fault.

  16. ^^^^ OK, I will...It's the mayor's fault!

  17. 1:35, that's because it goes without saying!

  18. I must go to a different giant because I have never seen any beggars, the only beggar I ever see is the famous Nick in north salisbury

  19. I've seen them camping out in the doorway of the vacant business that was next to the liquor store. We go to Giant at least twice a week since we live close to it.

  20. 12:49 Think twice about what you wish for. Giant pays its employees a livable wage and still has quite a few full time employees. These are the kind of jobs that won't make anyone rich, but allow people to live modestly with the dignity of gainful employment. Jobs that pay enough to be tax generating rather than a net drain on the economy, and with decent benefits, at least for now.

    Once these types of jobs are gone, replaced by part-time near minimum wage jobs without benefits, the local economy nears collapse without government interference...ok, "intervention". And we all know how well that worked out for Detroit.

    People seem to forget, their employer depends on my employer to pay me enough to be able to afford to buy his products and keep them employed, while paying them enough to afford to purchase my employer's products, which keeps me employed.

    When enough businesses break this model, the economy slows down and one after another, businesses are forced to lay off, and sometimes close entirely...a snowball effect down an abyss.

  21. da bury living up to it's name.

  22. As far as Barb's....who can afford to buy cards anymore?? Just sayin'...

  23. Screw the anti buisness mayor.

  24. I also shop at Giant from time to time and have been approached more than once by beggars wanting money from me in the parking lot. If my wife wants to go shopping in the evening, I go with her.

  25. This is just a follow-up to some of 2:34's comments. Giant also hired a number of people who lost their jobs when Super Fresh closed (I recognize several), and they seem to have quite a few new hires. They're obviously trying to benefit the community, and I'm glad they're nearby.

  26. It's not the Giant's fault that the beggers are out there. The management of Giant does try to keep them off the property. But it's like a wave, they go, then they roll right back. I don't like them leaning on the various buildings and just staring at you as you either enter or leave the store.

    If the mayor remotely knew what he was doing, he would direct the Salisbury police department to better patrol the parking lot, the surrounding areas, and of course the neighborhoods. It is too late after the muggings have happened. Try using unmarked cars so the people don't scatter when the police ride up.

  27. 12:28 How is it their fault. YOU, the consumer, has the choice of where you shop. People talk big, then the money saving is too much to pass up, even if you receive inferior goods and services. This is the consumers fault.

  28. 5:02 Do some research and educate yourself There have been numerous studys that show when a walmart / best buy/ home depot opens in a smaller market (SBY v Baltimore) they drive small businesses to close because they can't compete with the purchasing power /ability to take a loss on certain products to entice shopper to shop there. Walmart is notorious for selling some products at a loss to get you in the store where you will buy other products.

  29. 2015 -- the year Salisbury reached the point of no return under Ireton and Fake Day!

  30. 5:42 you are on point with the comment, lest we forget Bury will turn the economic corner when we have all the subsidized housing downtown bringing in the thousands of dollars to all the businesses in the surrounding areas!

    That's the mindset of Ireton/Day. All they can think to do. Those two remind me of parrots called pete and repeat!!!

  31. "Anonymous said...
    12:28 How is it their fault. YOU, the consumer, has the choice of where you shop. People talk big, then the money saving is too much to pass up, even if you receive inferior goods and services. This is the consumers fault.

    February 10, 2015 at 5:02 PM"

    You are not saving money by shopping at Walmart. People need to get this false idea out of their minds. A large majority of Walmart "associates" receive one or more welfare benefit including Medicaid. This money is coming from taxpayers in the form of taxes and fees on anything the government can thing of.
    I am so sick and tired of clueless people thinking they "save" money by shopping at retailers who pay their employees poverty level wages. Start using your brains people-start thinking forward and viewing the perception for what it really is-an illusion.
    And enough already with the "you the consumer have a choice" Yeah NO kidding there are choices. Tell us something we don't know instead of ignorant babble.

  32. If you worked for the man that purchased Barb's you would know why it is closing. I did. Complete jerk. Barb's family did such an awesome job with that store, and they were smart enough to get out while they were ahead. Sad, that man couldn't carry on their outstanding reputation. Hopefully, he can hang on in the Twilley Center location

  33. Heard on Friday a major manufacturing plant in Easton MD is about to close and leave Maryland. This will not only be hard on Talbot County, but Dorchester county as well.


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