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Saturday, February 07, 2015

The White House Won't Reveal Who Attended Obama’s Secret Meeting With Muslim Leaders

President Obama met with American Muslim leaders this afternoon, according to the White House schedule, but so far the administration is unwilling to reveal who attended the meeting, which was closed to the press.

The White House released a readout of the meeting explaining that Obama discussed “a range of domestic and foreign policy issues” including Obamacare, police fairness, anti-Muslim discrimination, and the upcoming Summit on Countering Violence Extremism.

“The President discussed the need to continue countering ISIL and other groups that commit horrific acts of violence, purportedly in the name of Islam,” the readout continued.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest defended the meeting during his daily press briefing, pointing out that it wasn’t “unusual” for the president to meet with “a wide variety of communities from across the country.”

“Sometimes that includes religious leaders; sometimes that includes leaders that are involved in academia or other specific issue areas,” he explained.

But the White House was unwilling to release the names of leaders who attended the meeting.



  1. Obama is a terrorist.

  2. I agree 11:10 and they probably discussed only what would benefit the Muslim world, not anything that would be good for America.

    I am a conservative but I blame the Republicans for taking impeachment off the table for this worthless, lawbreaking president.

  3. When will America wake up??? He is surround by the Muslim brotherhood in the White House that most people don't want to to talk about. Every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie!!! If you use the Washington Post Pinocchio rating his nose has gone around the world 10 times. He should be impeached or brought up on treason charges!! He destroying the country !!!! Wake up America!!!

  4. One more day even hour of Barry Sotoro in the white house is too much ! He can't or won't even produce proof his name was changed legally. No president in the history of this country has kept his past as a secret as this liar in the White House. Anyone in public office who does has a graveyard of skeletons in his closet! History will show he scammed the whole country!

  5. In the run up to the 2008 election Hussein Obama praised John McCain for not bringing up his Muslim faith and George Stay on top of us quickly corrected him by saying you mean your Christian faith ..... Oops!!


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