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Sunday, February 08, 2015

"Teen injured in police-pursued dirt bike incident"


  1. He broke the law. He got stopped. What happens when a motorcycle stops suddenly? You fly off and get road rash. Sorry, no sympathy here.

  2. so he was doing something illegal? and got hurt?
    next time he may stop.

    thees "12 o'clock boys" need to be arrested, fined, whatever the law allows.

    i almost hit someone on a dirtbike in princess anne, so they are getting closer

  3. The solution is simple, pass a law to seize the bikes from illegal riders and sell them at police auctions. If they get caught riding again. mandatory jail time. Brunhilda with her two tone face paint and flapping lips is clueless and thus perpetuates the utter lack of accountability to the laws of Maryland, learned behavior. Be harsh on them now or they're doomed to harsh jail time very soon. They're called dirt bikes for a reason, NOT street bikes.

  4. "Her boy was not doing anything wrong," she said, and she just wants him to be able to go out here and have fun. We won't worry about the car accidents that could happen because they are out riding unlicensed "dirt" bikes on the streets, pulling wheelies and hanging off the the backs of the bikes. But let one of the precious children get hurt, either in a car accident, or from falling off the bike and you can bet they will be looking for someone to sue.

    But besides, that, she wants to chastise the cop for chasing because she thought, "they weren't supposed to chase," but no chastisement for the child who was breaking the law to start with. He was just having fun. This attitude is what breeds the teenage mentality we find today.

  5. If you have a child and want to buy them a dirtbike, 3 wheeler, 4 wheeler, or any off road vehicle... move to a large plot of land and let them go at it. There are so many dirtbikes driving through city streets, and the officers can't pursue, since they cut through yards where cars can't go. Watch on Pemberton and Parsons. The drug runners peel out behind Dominoes, run red lights, etc. Go bust them. Also by Prince St Elementary. All the time. Shoot them if you have to, they're carrying backpacks of drugs and illegally possessed, restricted firearms.

  6. Common around here. All this country around us and these thugs want to ride the streets. They need to stop this not only here but there as well.

  7. in Maryland a dirt bike or all terrain vehicle seized and doesnt have a valid title is suppose to be shredded

  8. Piece of crap - the parent is just as bad as the little piece of crap leach on society.

    Break the law, only thing he is sorry for - getting caught.

    Now they want money for being stupid. Some lawyer will take it. They are lower than dirt...

  9. Didn't do anything wrong?more black mentality! Glad the kid didn't die. Can you imagine the rioting?

    1. Come on! Really??!! Insert "stupid" for "black"...ALL "black" people aren't one way,, unlike most "stupid" one's. If you want your voice heard, try not generalizing because white people do REALLY ignorant things too. This is just another example of negatively towards color and not a behavior.

    2. The blacks you speak of do not have the typical black mentality. Unfortunately the stats show more blacks in poverty stricken lives of crime than not.


  11. 2:43--
    Not necessarily. Apparently in Fruitland they will make you stop riding on your own property if any neighbors complain, even during daylight hours! Noise ordinance starts @ 11PM, but only if you're one of the special people, I suppose.

  12. poor baby , too bad!

  13. How about they STOP BREAKING THE LAW!! So sick of these idiots crying when something bad happens to them after they break the law. They should do us a favor and jump.


  14. Seize the bike and run over it with a steamroller. Could be done as part of 3rd Friday for entertainment value. Sell for scrap and use proceeds to pay for upkeep of Plaza.

  15. I had the same situation in Fruitland. In my own yard middle of the day cop came and said quad was too loud. As he was telling me this a Harley screamed by louder than my quad. I asked him about that noise and he told me nobody was complaining about that. I then asked him where his decibel meter was and that is when he got really angry and threatened to impound my quad. After some arguing he simply stated stop riding it and put it away.

  16. Please don't act as though this kind of behavior is isolated to the black community. White fools riding quads and mini-bikes on the posted walking-trails at Pemberton Park.

    1. Its not the behavior but the " nothing wrong" mentality.

  17. It's an issue because it's in the black communities. There are white folks on bicycles in D.C. In the street and the solition was to elementary 200 parking spaces throughout the city for bicyclist. You have mopeds on the streets and sidewalks as well.

    Just because it's a law doesn't mean it's accurate or fair. Black folks couldn't vote 59 years ago and marijuana was illegal 5 years ago.

    Sure it's a annoying but we don't live in a perfect world. Retailers shouldnt be allowed to sell them in areas where there not permitted. Make an exclusive area for the riders! What the problem ? Kids will be kids everyone has done something as a child that they shouldn't have been doing.



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