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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

SPD Press Release 2-17-15 - (Suicide Investigation)


  1. Social media? Was that you Joe?

  2. well joe i think your post made them tell people whats going on as noteded a post on social media account phrase

  3. Well there you have it, now let's all let it lie and may the victim rest in peace. Prayers to the family.

  4. Now I am hoping this will put to rest any more the of hanging nonsense.
    Have some empathy for this poor man's family who no doubt after a suicide are dealing with a lot of emotions. Show some decency and don't add to their already swirling emotions.
    Pray for them and for the man who died that he has finally found the peace he so sought. God Bless him and his loved ones.

  5. Didn't Barb mean to say, "Three days after we were notified..."?

    After all, it was up and posted by a local "Blogger" and had three days of comments on many postings.

  6. Where are all the racist comments now???

  7. Racist CHERISH where are you fool?.

  8. Thank You SPD and Joe..We are now informed . Now let the police and the family deal with this..And to the dumb A who posted a picture ..Rot in Hell..How would You like that to have been a family member of Yours..God Rest this persons soul.

  9. Typical reaction theses days from the community. People cry racism before all facts are shared and it ends up being a non-issue. Feel sorry for this person's family and for all those that thought it was a lynching.

    Waiting for an apology from the FB poster.

  10. I still don't get the Chocolate Sapphire , WTF.

  11. Just because the report is stating a suicide, doesn't mean it was a suicide?
    The Police Lie Too..
    Have been for decades.

  12. 5:50 seriously? Just stir the pot and keep people pumped up over nothing. That's what causes all the stereotyping. Not happy unless there is drama.

  13. what do you have to say now Ms. Fontaine. ?
    you're still hot though ...

  14. I'm sorry to be the barer of bad news RACISM does exist in Salisbury. People are just blind to the fact! We do not see what we choose not to look at. People in this area hold their noses way to high in the air and snub a lot of people, even ones of their own color. It's a shame! I am Caucasian and I am not blind to the subject... I have apologized to several black people in public because what I have witnesses.. it's embarrassing to myself as a white person to see people of my race act as if they stand on higher grounds. We are all the same... I do not think Ms. Fontaine need to apologize to anyone for anything.. it may not have been on the blog, but yes I read the negative stuff people we saying on her post on Facebook..... no one race is perfect. We are all entitled to our opinions how ever foolish they may seem to others... she did make a good point about it possibly being a hanging because hatred is real and it is black history month. I send prayers to the gentleman's family and may he now rest in peace...

  15. hey 7:06
    still hot , how much have you had to drink ?
    Her comments alone have made her ugly .


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