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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Southern Poverty Law Center Places Ben Carson On ‘Extremist Watch List’

Ben Carson is receiving a lot of attention as a potential presidential candidate, but he’s now also getting noticed as an apparent “anti-gay” extremist.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which considers itself a civil rights advocacy group, recently placed the famed neurosurgeon on its “Extremist Watch List” — a list that mainly includes neo-Nazis and other white supremacists.

Carson was included for allegedly being “anti-gay.” The SPLC considers his opposition to gay marriage to be hateful and worthy of inclusion in the list.



  1. The Southern Poverty Law Center Or SPLC is itself a hate group. It continually sues anyone who voices an opinion they don't like.
    In doing so it appears as though they don't believe in the First Amendment.

  2. And so it begins.People are making their living digging up dirt on any presidential hopeful.A person would have to be born last week to not have any skeletons.I smoked a joint when I was 18,so I'm out.

  3. Those idiots along with the Unitarian Church on old Ocean City road think the OATH KEEPERS are terrorist.

    Most the Oath Keepers are retired criminal Justice employees.

    The SPLC needs to be taken to court and sued...

  4. You miss the point 12:22.

    The SPLC is a hate group - dedicating themselves to the oppression of free speech.

    That is what's important about them labeling Ben Carson an extremist.

  5. So...left wing Domestic terrorist extremists at the Southern Poverty Law Center think Dr. Carson is a murdering white supremacist?
    They have removed all doubt that they are irreversibly mentally damaged by Marxism.

  6. Can we label SPLC as racist? If we don't agree with what Obama is doing that is what we are labeled. Turnabout is fair play.

  7. The SPLC IS racist. Shut them down.

  8. Exactly. ANY organization dedicated to eradicating free speech for all should be designated hate groups.

  9. LOL! He is scaring the hell out of those who hate the idea that you can, and should, EARN what you have.....
    They HATE that idea.

  10. 3:23 and when it is an accomplished black person who dares to be conservative it drives them absolutely batty.

  11. Can't wait until the debates it's gonna be really interesting.Ben Carson is a really great person with no baggage,he is really smart and he can beat hillary. He would make a great president.

  12. Carson would rip another you-know-what in Hillary's ace.
    He would have her stuttering and making up stats and facts.
    He would tear THEM apart, too.
    She would be so far out of her league in a debate with him they might just cut it short due to some "emergency".
    Or they could start bringing out things to denigrate him. Try to make him appear "radical" or "extremist". Have the IRS dig deep. Get Homeland Security to watch his every step and listen to every call. Try to set him up in some scandal.
    Good luck.

  13. I agree with him on the GAY Birds. They should all go to Island to themselves and that way they will die off because they cant reproduce.


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