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Sunday, February 01, 2015

Small Drone Flies Over White House Fence and Crashes on Lawn

WASHINGTON — The small drone that crashed into a tree on the South Lawn of the White House early Monday morning was operated by a government employee who has told the Secret Service that he did not mean to fly it over the White House fence and near the president’s residence, according to law enforcement officials.

The employee — who does not work for the White House — has told the Secret Service that he was flying the drone for recreational purposes at about 3 a.m. in the area around 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue when he lost control of it.

So far, the Secret Service said it believed the man’s account.



  1. It is a set up and now you will see them put a big kabash on private drones..... keep watchin... its a comin.

  2. Only the Secret Service would go with the story of recreational drone flying around DC at 3 in the morning. People have been working with lairs for so long even this story sounded good.

  3. The guy was flying a drone at 3:am? I suppose he appears to be of middel east decent and that of course wouldn't raise any suspicion. That was just a test flight,you can bet your butt they are planning a big one.Think about it, how easy it would be to be sitting about 3 blocks away and send a drone loaded with high explosives, befor anyone could react it would be too late.

  4. Stop the conspiracy theories. Anyone with the knowledge and/or ability to carry out a weaponized attack with a toy drone knows the Government can, with the flick of a switch, block any frequency used to fly these things as well as deploy additional counter measures as necessary.
    This was a false flag by the regime.
    A simple publicity stunt.

  5. 3:33 first you say stop the conspiracy theories and then you say its a false flag.
    Same thing eh?

    Then you say they can stop it with a flick of a switch. Why didn't they?

  6. Drones...Um ironic payback?

  7. 3:33 belongs to the Democratic Commie Moves of the Peace in the Park...

  8. Probably delivering life saving bread milk and toilet paper to the White House.

  9. 3:59 Obviously they did! Duh! Do you think they are going to expose secret counter measures? Don't be so naive.

  10. Could be a dry run for one with a bomb strapped to it.

  11. 7:29 obviously? It landed in the lawn. If it were some secret agent spy fancy smancy technology it would not have made it that far. Duh! Don't be so gullible.

  12. Obama spying on the secret service.

  13. 7:19 I just HAD to come back and rub in and make known that you have no clue what you are talking about.

    CBS did a story this morning on the FACT that they have no defense in place for such devices, that they can not jam anything, and the Idiot in Chief wants more controls on drones.

    Just like I said.

    They even interviewed a drone "defense" company that has technology to identify their presence but to date no one can inhibit their ability to fly.

    what's that phrase..... you've been blogged.

    So now you have to ask, why would the media do a story basically telling the world, hey its open season on the WH?


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