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Monday, February 16, 2015

Senator…”Where’s the Beef?”

by Mike McDermott

As I stated many times during my campaign for the senate and time as a delegate, the Phosphorous Management Tool (PMT) was actually a Political Management Tool. Many will recall Senator Mathias stating he had “taken care of that problem” and we were not to worry. The truth is, that was just campaign hogwash.

I told you that two things would need to happen to stop or significantly hinder the implementation of the PMT: First, Larry Hogan would have to be elected governor so he could reverse the order; and second, a legislative effort would be required to block implementation and address future regulations that often skirt the legislature and our elected representatives.

Thankfully, Larry Hogan now lives in the Governor’s Mansion and he did what we all expected him to do with the PMT proposed regulations. As a result, the liberal democrats in the legislature did exactly what their script called for: they introduced PMT legislation in the House and Senate.

If it is passed (and it has a good chance), there are not enough votes to override the governor’s veto. The heavy lifting must be done in the General Assembly.

So I ask you, where is the legislation that would stop these types of regulations from being implemented without a thorough legislative review? Where is the legislation to block the PMT? Although he has had the past two years to figure this out, Senator Mathias has offered nothing. He failed to support legislation in 2013 and 2014 that would have required these types of regulations to be fully vetted by the legislature prior to implementation. My bill was favored by democrats and republicans alike in the House, but it was killed in the Senate despite of its common sense approach at protecting our people, our business, and our farmers from out of control regulations.

I took a gander at what Jim has proposed thus far in 2015, and I cannot say I was surprised. The lower shore senator has offered 6 bills: (2) deal with alcohol regulations in Ocean City; (1) would keep the hot rods from having to display a front license plate; (1) would allow the POW/MIA Flag to be flown on state property; (1) would require schools to start after Labor Day (local school boards already have this power); and (1) would not allow people with an outstanding warrant to be able to register their vehicles (of course these are not folks who have been convicted…only accused of committing a crime).

I have to confess, I do not believe his efforts constitute the best use of our only senate seat. Four of the bills are “Ocean City” bills, the POW/MIA Flag bill could easily be addressed by the governor, and the vehicle registration bill is simply ridiculous and unenforceable.

Where are the innovative bills to support the business community on the lower shore? Where is the legislation to address these maddening environmental attacks on our economy? It is clear that Senator Mathias knows how to pander to those that pay his freight every four years, but when we need a champion to address our economic viability as a region, the senator is a no show.

Here is a list of pro business, pro agriculture, and pro economy bills that would be game changers. These represent just a few of the bills I offered up in the House during the past two sessions.

From 2014:

HB-26 Administrative Procedure Act - Fiscal Impact Statements for Proposed Regulations

HB-75 Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Retirement Income

HB-199 Corporate Income Tax - Rate Reduction

HB-213 Local Government - Permit Review and Explanation of Denial

From 2013

HB-104 Occupational Safety and Health - Good Faith Actions by Business Owners - Penalty Forgiveness

HB-106 Sustainable Growth and Agricultural Preservation Act of 2012 - Repeal

HB-837 Family Farm - Prevailing Party - Attorney's Fees and Expenses

Some I was able to get passed in the House only to see them shot down in the senate. It seems it was better in the eyes of Senate President Mike Miller and Senator Jim Mathias to beat me rather than pass legislation that would have been good for our entire state.

The lower shore is struggling in many ways. A senator who shows up for ribbon cuttings and award banquets is appreciated; but having our only senator stand up in the General Assembly and give substance to his rhetoric would be even better.


  1. The last elections really gave me hope for Maryland. One of the few disappointments in the elections was that Mathias got re-elected. Well,maybe next time we can finish the job and send him packing to leech off of someone else.

  2. We miss you Mike. Please continue to keep us updated and hopefully next election the people on the Eastern Shore will vote you in as our Senator.

  3. I have said it many times - but I am going to say it again.


    I know of no other Maryland Elected Representative - that came home from the legislature on a Friday night - and went to work publishing what transpired in Annapolis during the week.

    It is a shame for O'Malley & the Democratic operatives to have Gerrymandered and carved up his District. I truly hope you decide to run next time because the eastern shore has never had a better representative.

  4. What Beezer said. Thank you, Mike, and please run again.

  5. Mike is not a tool of the ruling class elites - Liberal Jim is - need I say more?

  6. Reelecting Jimbo was a major mistake!

  7. 10:05-Don't fool yourself.They never learn.

  8. Senate bill 748 was brought to my attention:


    Senate Bill 748 – allowing “Market hunting” of deer in MD and the sale of Wild venison.


    This Bill steps over 2 boundaries that should never be stepped over.

    1st, The wildlife biologist with DNR have always set bag limits and hunting seasons to best manage a healthy deer herd in Maryland. This is an end run around the DNR by politicians looking to appease large donors. The DNR biologist should be the ones to set hunting limits/seasons, not politicians looking for campaign contributions.

    2nd, the deer are a natural resource owned by the public as a whole, not by any individual land owners. The trend by most farmers in the last 20 years is to “lease” hunting access to their property to trophy hunters with deep pockets; problem is trophy hunters only shoot 1 or 2 large “trophy” bucks a year. It’s a catch 22 situation for the farmers, they have leased their land to “Trophy hunters” but the “hunters” are not killing deer. Now these same land owners that are leasing their land for big money to Trophy hunters want exclusive rights to kill and market deer. The deer are NOT their live stock, It’s not a deer problem, it’s an access problem. This concept of not allowing hunters access to harvest deer, then allowing only certain land owners the “Right” to kill and market these deer is a FUNDAMENTAL switch from wildlife being a natural resource equally owed by all, to a concept of the wildlife being ward of a privileged few .

    How about putting forth legislation that any “Farmer” that receives crop damage permits must allow access for hunters to harvest the deer??


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