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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

School Delays & Closings

Delmar Elementary, Middle & High School are on a 2 hour delay this morning.

Wicomico County Schools are also on a 2 hour delay.

Worcester County Schools are closed today.


  1. Cpl Lee Stevens how can you disappoint. You should have stayed up all night salting the roads. Thinking about it you would not be a hero in the kids minds

  2. The bus wouldn't start? It's clear & calm & dry, 21 degrees.

    Should we just wait until Spring to open them back up?

  3. Roads were clear and the skies are sunny and clear. I would say this was a bad call! Tomorrow would be more like it, if were are getting the snow that is forecast.

  4. 2 hour delay for a dusting?


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