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Friday, February 27, 2015

SBYNews Articles Draw Massive Attention & Interest

CEO Of Hebron Savings Bank Gregory Johnson Resigned Today

Exceeded 500 comments today.

Exceeded over 400 comments today.

There's no denying it, SBYNews is the most influential news source on the entire Eastern Shore. Bringing forth multiple stories day in and day out is one thing. It's another when you generate the volume of comments Salisbury News can because of the massive traffic we bring in. 

People are here because we deliver news and information no one else does. Even when we bring in stories from outside, we generate far more comments/opinions then even the original source. 

It's rewarding to us because we truly work extremely hard every day bringing you information we feel will interest you the most. This is yet another reason why everyone else follows what we deliver each day on your 6:00 news. Come on Folks, it is kind of funny how a guy with no journalistic background, (me) delivers more traffic, comments and ultimately influence to the professionals out there every single day who actually went to college for this kind of stuff.

Anyhow, THANK YOU! Who'da Ever Thunk It! ;-) 


  1. The sole purpose of television news is to sell commercials. There is no investigative reporting, the weather is a guess and the rest is meaningless filler.

  2. The local stuff is what people are interested in and is what you are the best at delivering. Corruption like Johnson and shysters like the windmill crowd need to be exposed for what they are and that is exactly what you are doing and no other media is even trying.

  3. jOE...No one can argue with results.
    "I don't give 'em Hell, I just tell the truth and they THINK its Hell."
    Harry Truman

    Keep it up!


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